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Category Archives: Eczema

The FDA Has Approved a New Treatment for Moderate-to-Severe Eczema – Paste Magazine

Posted: Published on April 11th, 2017

The U.S Food and Drug Administration has just approved Dupixent, a new treatment option for people with moderate-to-severe eczema. Dupixent works as an injection under the skin, andwas developed for patients whose condition can not becontrolled by topical treatments. However, it also gives patients who would typically use a topical treatmenta break from applying creamsto the skin multiple times per day. Eczema is a condition when patches of skin become inflamed, itchy, red, cracked and rough. Most people outgrow the condition as children, but some continue to endure symptoms into adulthood. The causes of eczema are unknown, however it is believed to develop due to both genetic factors such as having parents with atopic diseases and environmental factors such as irritants, allergens, microbes, extreme temperatures, food, stress and hormones. Dupixent was approved by the FDA after going through 3 clinical trials that included roughly 2,100 adults with moderate-to-severe eczema, whose symptoms could not be controlled by topical treatments. After 16 weeks, those who received Dupixent had clearer skin and less itching than those who received the placebo. The most common side effects of the drug included injection site reactions, cold sores in the mouth and lips, and eye/eyelid inflammation. The … Continue reading

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NIH Wants to Test New Bacteria Therapy for Eczema – NBC News –

Posted: Published on April 1st, 2017

From left, a mouse with ordinary eczema, a mouse treated with Roseomonas bacteria from an eczema patient and a mouse treated with healthy Roseomonas. Dr. Ian Myles, national Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases Myles and colleagues have been growing bacteria in the lab taken off healthy volunteers and people with atopic dermatitis. They've focused on one particular species: Roseomonas mucosa. Tests on human skin cells in lab dishes and on mice show that healthy versions to R. mucosa can eradicate eczema and make skin cells healthier, Myles said. "We took the bacteria from healthy people and we saw that the bacteria does everything you would want it to do to improve atopic dermatitis in a petri dish and in mice," he said. Related: It improved the way skin cells use vitamin D, "In mice, we can actually make their disease go away with this bacteria," Myles said. Myles and colleagues have purified the healthy Roseomonas bacteria and made it into a spray. They'll The phase 1 study is aimed at ensuring the treatment is safe, but Myles hopes to show it's effective, also. If it is, it would be years away from the market because it will have to … Continue reading

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Finally, a Treatment for Severe Eczema but It’ll Cost You – Newser

Posted: Published on April 1st, 2017

Newser Finally, a Treatment for Severe Eczema but It'll Cost You Newser Dupixent could finally provide relief to people suffering from severe eczemawhich goes beyond mere patches of itchy, dry skin and can cause sleeplessness, depression, and social anxietybut it will run $37,000 a year. That's actually well below the ... Here is the original post: Finally, a Treatment for Severe Eczema but It'll Cost You - Newser … Continue reading

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Are you giving yourself eczema? – Netdoctor

Posted: Published on April 1st, 2017

It is estimated that around 60% of British people will suffer from a skin condition at some point in their life, and for many the cause will be eczema which occurs mostly in children, but can also affect adults. Even if you don't have eczema yourself, the chances are you know somebody who does. It is a condition that fluctuates in its severity, often 'flaring' to become red, itchy and sometimes weepy in patches. In between flares, the skin may appear normal or may show signs of chronic eczema with dry, thickened patches. ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW Although eczema like many skin conditions tends to run in families, it is possible to develop it as a result of external factors, and you might be surprised at some of the causes. Dr Daniel Glass, consultant dermatologist at the Dermatology Clinic London, gives us some more insight. "There are a large array of different factors can make eczema worse. These include foodstuff in selected groups, dust exposure, unfamiliar pets, seasonal variation, stress, and irritants may be important in provoking flares of eczema." He adds: "Other factors that can exacerbate eczema include bacterial or viral skin infections. Contact allergic types of eczema … Continue reading

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The Eczema Company to Donate Profits to Fight Chronic Childhood Illness – Benzinga

Posted: Published on March 28th, 2017

10-20% of children in North America have eczema, one of many preventable conditions on the rise. The Eczema Company has partnered with Documenting Hope to prove childhood illnesses like asthma, ADHD and allergies can be reversed. Montreal, Quebec (PRWEB) March 28, 2017 The Eczema Company announced it will donate 1% of every sale to a non-profit dedicated to reversing chronic childhood illnesses. The donation program is the brainchild of Jennifer Roberge, founder of The Eczema Company, which provides natural eczema treatments for children and adults. "I fully believe that the work of Documenting Hope is a cornerstone in changing how we approach chronic childhood disease. Instead of managing and suppressing symptoms, we need to shift the way we think about disease. We need to look at the whole body as a beautiful, complex puzzle with various pieces and moving parts that are unique to each individual. That's what Documenting Hope is all about and the reason we're supporting it." Roberge knows about these issues personally. Her son, Tristan, was diagnosed with eczema at three months old. His skin continued to worsen and at age three his body was 90 percent covered in what looked like severe burns. After years of … Continue reading

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The T could go electric, help on the way for eczema patients, and more – The Boston Globe

Posted: Published on March 28th, 2017

Momentum is only as good or as bad as the next days starting pitcher. Well, today, the markets appear to have an ace on the hill. The Dow rebounded after a tough eight-day losing stretch, and the other indexes are also up. Our momentum stays on track with the latest insight from Jon Chesto and roundup of the other top business news for Tuesday, March 28. Chesto Means Business Advertisement Generating discussion:Is the MBTA finally ready to start leaving diesel trains in the dust? That question will likely come up at the transit agency in the coming months, after oversight board member Steve Poftak raised the issue of converting the diesel-fueled commuter rail system to electric power in a meeting last week. Poftak later told me hes trying to get some answers beforepreparing a vehicle purchase planfor the T by July. He says hes keeping an open mind, and doesnt favor either fuel source yet. Supporters of electric trains point to the reduction in air pollution, a goal that would help the state meet its aggressive greenhouse-gas limits. Theres also the possibility of speedier service, with less time lost for accelerating away from each station. Electricity could be crucial if … Continue reading

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Health Canada issues warning about PureCare Herbal Cream – Toronto Star

Posted: Published on March 28th, 2017

Health Canada says PureCare Herbal Cream, promoted as a natural treatment for eczema and psoriasis in children and babies, contains a prescription steroid and another ingredient that are not declared on the label. Health Canada says PureCare Herbal Cream, promoted as a natural treatment for eczema and psoriasis in children and babies, contains a prescription steroid and another ingredient that are not declared on the label. ( Health Canada ) By The Canadian Press Tues., March 28, 2017 OTTAWAHealth Canada has issued a warning about a skin cream for babies and children that it says could pose serious health risks. The federal agency says PureCare Herbal Cream, which is promoted as a natural treatment for eczema and psoriasis in children and babies, contains a prescription steroid (clobetasol propionate) and another ingredient (phenoxylethanol) that are not declared on the label. Health Canada says these ingredients may cause skin irritation, dehydration or increased blood pressure. The agency says PureCare Herbal Cream was sold online at and through an in-person distribution network. The product has been sold with two different labels. The current label states the product is for extremely dry skin and the previous label says it is an Herbal Cream … Continue reading

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What’s Going Around: Stomach bug, eczema and sports injuries – ABC27

Posted: Published on March 25th, 2017

ABC27 What's Going Around: Stomach bug, eczema and sports injuries ABC27 Doctors are seeing a spike in an itchy, irritating skin condition in this first week of spring. PinnacleHealth's Heritage Pediatrics in Camp Hill says dry skin and eczema are prevalent this time of year since most people are still using heat in their ... Read more here: What's Going Around: Stomach bug, eczema and sports injuries - ABC27 … Continue reading

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Warnings after skin creams used to treat eczema linked to dozens of fire deaths –

Posted: Published on March 19th, 2017

Skin creams have been linked to dozens of deaths in fires, leading to new warnings by manufacturers. Products used to treat conditions like eczema and psoriasis put users at risk because the paraffin in them can soak into their bedding or clothes, making them flammable. The medicines regulator has updated its guidance and it says all creams containing paraffin should carry a warning. There have been 37 deaths in England since 2010 linked to the creams, despite warnings going back more than ten years. Carol Hoes husband Philip died at Doncaster Royal Infirmary in 2006 when sparks from a cigarette ignited his moiturising cream. She told Radio 5 Live : Philip sneaked off on to a landing for a sneaky cigarette, a gust of wind must have caught the lighter, and it set fire to him. Within seconds Mr Hoe, who was having treatment for psoriasis, was engulfed in flames and he died shortly after. He was covered with 90% burns, said Mrs Hoe.There was nothing they could do. Christopher Holyoake died in a house fire in September 2015, after his skin cream, now known to be flammable, caught fire. The coroner at the inquest into the death of 63-year-old … Continue reading

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Rollout of Regeneron’s new eczema drug could be most lucrative of the year – Albany Times Union

Posted: Published on March 18th, 2017

Regeneron makes an eye disease drug and a cholesterol drug in East Greenbush. The Tarrytown drug company had $4.1 billion in revenue in 2015. Regeneron makes an eye disease drug and a cholesterol drug in East Greenbush. The Tarrytown drug company had $4.1 billion in revenue in 2015. The sign outside of Regeneron's East Greenbush facility. ORG XMIT: MER2015091110332269 The sign outside of Regeneron's East Greenbush facility. ORG XMIT: MER2015091110332269 Rollout of Regeneron's new eczema drug could be most lucrative of the year East Greenbush A new eczema treatment could be worth billions of dollars for Tarrytown-based Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, which has its manufacturing operations in East Greenbush. Barely three months into the year, analysts are predicting the company's pending Dupixent drug could be the most lucrative pharmaceutical launch of 2017, with annual revenues topping $4.6 billion by 2022, according to EvaluatePharma, a biotech research group. The drug, which is awaiting approval from the Food and Drug Administration, would be the first treatment of its kind for the estimated 8.5 million people who suffer from moderate and severe variations of the skin disease. Until now, the condition was usually treated with steroid creams. The launch of the drug could pose a … Continue reading

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