Category Archives: Oral Health

How To Maintain Good Oral Health Habits With Diabetes

Posted: Published on October 6th, 2021

Photo via Pixabay by AlbanyColley Diabetes affects many parts of the body--including everything from the mouth to the feet--because it affects the blood system, which circulates all over. Individuals with diabetes are at risk for several health issues if they don’t take good care of themselves, and one of the easiest to prevent involves the mouth. Good oral health is imperative for everyone, but for someone living with diabetes, it’s especially important. The teeth and gums are connected to heart health and can lead to disease if not cared for properly. Because diabetes can cause dry mouth, you have less saliva to fight off bacteria, allowing cavities and sores to grow. You may feel thirsty all the time, or you might have trouble fully tasting food. If these symptoms persist, talk to your doctor.  One of the best ways to help prevent gum disease and infections of the mouth is to stay hydrated and, most importantly, to regulate your blood glucose levels--usually with insulin injections, lifestyle modifications, medicine and glucose monitoring. Below, Femto Medicine shares some of the best tips on how to take care of your mouth and keep diabetes from causing problems. Get into good habits If you … Continue reading

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