10 Home Remedies for Eczema – eczema.net

Posted: Published on May 11th, 2018

This post was added by Dr. Richardson

Everyday things in your environment can cause those swollen, red patches on your skin to flare up and itch cigarette smoke, pollen, even the clothes you wear.

Some of these triggers may originate from your home and others may not. Either way, you can find many solutions to these triggers in your home.

Here are 10 of the best home remedies for eczema that experts recommend using to stop the itch, reduce the swelling, and erase the redness.

The soap you clean your clothes with could be amplifying the burn in your skin. Avoid laundry detergents that use harsh ingredients, and instead choose those that are fragrance-free and neutral pH. You may even want to put your clothes on the double rinse cycle to ensure that all the soap gets washed out of them.

Rule #1 of eczema prevention is no scratching. When youre awake, this is something you have complete control over, but what happens when youre asleep? Wearing gloves to bed can help you avoid unconsciously scratching in your sleep.

Long hot showers dry out your skin quickly, which causes your eczema to flare up. To minimize the itching, take warm showers for no longer than 15 minutes. Thoroughly dry your skin when you get out of the shower and seal in your skins moisture with a gentle, fragrance-free lotion.

If you happen to have some hydro-cortisone or calamine lying around, these creams make great home remedies for eczema. Besides providing you with instant relief from the burn and itch of eczema, these creams can eliminate the rash.

A dry, hot climate is not a conducive environment for skin that is affected by eczema. If moving to a better climate isnt an option, use a humidifier to put some moisturize back into your surroundings. Make sure to clean the humidifier often to prevent the growth of harmful germs.

When mercury goes up, it could cause your eczema symptoms to go up too. Apply a cold compress to the areas of your skin that are affected by eczema. Stay inside air-conditioned buildings as much as you can. Wear clothes that are cool and lightweight to minimize sweating.

Unfortunately, you cant shed your scaly skin like a snake does, but you can reduce the scales by rubbing olive oil into your skin. Olive oil also has anti-inflammatory properties that could help reduce the redness and itching.

If you dont plan on eating those strawberries in your refrigerator, you can use them to make a great home remedy for eczema. Blend up the strawberries to make a paste and apply it to your eczema. This should reduce pain, redness, and inflammation.

Although the underlying cause of eczema is unknown, some experts say its caused by a weak immune system. The probiotics that are found in live culture yogurt and kefir can help boost your immune system; making you less likely to break out.

Use a quality eczema treatment. Exzaderm is full of skin-conditioning oils that moisturize, soothe, and heal eczema-afflicted skin. This leading eczema treatment is also 100% safe and natural so it should cause any reactions or skin irritation. You can visit exzaderm.com to learn more!

With these home remedies for eczema in hand, you can effectively reduce the itching, swelling, and redness that come along with this troublesome skin condition. The best news is that these remedies work quickly; theyre affordable; and most of them can already be found in your home.

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10 Home Remedies for Eczema - eczema.net

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