AI creates what Europeans think Americans from every state look like and it may hurt your feelings – UNILAD

Posted: Published on February 4th, 2024

This post was added by Dr Simmons

It's now been over a year since the launch of freaky AI chatbot ChatGPT and image generator Midjourney - and it's fair to say the world hasn't been the same since.

One thing AI is very good at is making people's blood boil by throwing popular stereotypes right back at us.

So when someone asked Midjourney what Europeans allegedly thought the average person from each US state looked like? Yeah, get ready for your pulses to raise:

So, what do you make of all that, folks?

Here's some of the most bizarre images Midjourney came up with:

Alabama seems to have definitely pulled the short straw out of the bunch and will no doubt receive some push-back.

Complete with a hairdo la Krusty the Clown, a toothless grin and mucky clothing - this one does seem overly harsh.

Next up is California, one of just 10 of the women who make appearances in the AI depictions, and the only woman out of the 50 states to appear on her own in an image.

Doused in a groovy jumper with beach waves and shades to pair - many Californians may consider this one to be acceptable.

While memes of the maniacal 'Florida Man' have made their rounds online for quite some time now - it seems this particular image generation has finally given a face to the elusive and mysterious character.

A jolly-looking fellow, Mr Florida appears to just be happy to be here, but seems he could snap and live up to his rep at any given moment...

What is that man doing with such a large potato, you may ask yourself.

Well, since Idaho license plates all include the words 'famous potatoes', I reckon they brought this on themselves.

Arguably one the least visually stressful AI depictions of the lot, Hawaii looks like it could be an old movie poster or a tourism postcard.

The two individuals are wearing open-toe sandals, flower garland necklaces and sunglasses as they perch on a rock enjoying the beach vistas.

Oh, and obviously, Hawaiian shirts are involved in the mix.

Why do I feel like I've already seen Mr Massachusetts about in real life?

The man is covered in sweat, sporting a gym kit, a backwards-facing baseball cap and a very stressed out expression plastered across his face.

Whether it's mere passion or pure rage - this one 100 percent stands out amongst the bunch.

Home to Sin City - we all were probably expecting some kind of reference to Las Vegas and the slot machines but maybe hoped for something slightly more subtle.

With that said, however, it seems this grandpa seems to be having the time of their life as chaos ensues behind him.

Taking the Roswell incident and very much running with it, according to this AI, Europeans reckon the residents of this state are not of this Earth

Now, Texas seems to encapsulate just about every single stereotype about the state under the sun.

Armed with a gun in one hand and a burger bigger than his head in the other - Mr Texas is no doubt going to divide some opinions.

The sunset behind him, if I do say so myself, is a surprisingly calmer background compared to the sheer chaos present in the majority of the AI images.

Wonder what AI will do next...

Go here to see the original:

AI creates what Europeans think Americans from every state look like and it may hurt your feelings - UNILAD

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