Autism coverage bill: Sen. Mike Nofs explains 'no' vote

Posted: Published on March 17th, 2012

This post was added by Dr Simmons

JACKSON State Sen. Mike Nofs said he voted against legislation to require insurers to cover autism treatment because of concerns about the cost and fairness questions.

Nofs, R-Battle Creek, was one of nine senators who voted against all three bills in the bipartisan package approved this week. His district includes Jackson County. Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville, R-Monroe, Jackson County's other state senator, was a co-sponsor of the legislation.

The second reason was uncertainty about how much the measures would cost the state, Nofs said.

The bills call for the state Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Department to create an autism coverage incentive program through which insurance carriers and third-party administrators could seek reimbursement for paid claims. Nofs and other supported capping the amount, but were unsuccessful.

"Some say it costs $15 million," he said. "Some say they don't know."

Nofs said he couldn't justify voting for the costly legislation, especially given the state's recent financial problems.

"It's very well-intentioned," he said of the legislation. "I really feel for the people that are facing autism in their family."

Read more:
Autism coverage bill: Sen. Mike Nofs explains 'no' vote

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