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Category Archives: Stem Cell Transplant

A chronic lymphoblastic leukemia (CLL) patient's video diary: Patience – Video

Posted: Published on September 19th, 2014

A chronic lymphoblastic leukemia (CLL) patient's video diary: Patience Part 9 of Harley's video diary, recorded 41 days after his stem cell transplant. In this video, Harley discusses the importance of patience. Don't expect to ... By: MD Anderson Cancer Center … Continue reading

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A chronic lymphoblastic leukemia (CLL) patient's video diary: Health – Video

Posted: Published on September 18th, 2014

A chronic lymphoblastic leukemia (CLL) patient's video diary: Health Part 10 of Harley's video diary, recorded 41 days after his stem cell transplant. In this video, Harley discusses why he believes it's important to be as healthy as possible during your cancer... By: MD Anderson Cancer Center … Continue reading

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New mothers donation to mom with leukemia a potentially life-saving gift

Posted: Published on September 18th, 2014

MONTREAL Mai Duong wept as she spoke of the anonymous new mother who has recently donated the umbilical cord that just may generate the stem cells required to cure Duongs leukemia. A mom is saving another moms life and thats huge, Duong told reporters at a news conference at Hpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont Tuesday. Im very grateful to that lady. Were never going to meet, but she had the possibility, in giving birth to (her) own child, ... to give the cord, that otherwise would be tossed in the garbage. She decided to do more and she is going to potentially save my life. Duong, 34, launched a campaign two months ago to encourage non-Caucasians to sign up to Hma-Qubecs Stem Cell Donor Registry. Duong was hoping to find a compatible bone marrow donor for herself and improve the chances of other non-white patients requiring life-saving stem cell transplants. Duong suffers from acute myeloid leukemia and the only potential cure is a stem-cell transplant. Duong was born in Canada, but is of Vietnamese descent, which makes finding a compatible donor difficult. Donor and recipient being of the same ethnic background greatly increases the chances of success in stem cell transplants, but Asian … Continue reading

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Quebec leukemia patient Mai Duong finds blood cord donor

Posted: Published on September 16th, 2014

A Quebec womans desperate, months-long search for a compatible stem cell or umbilical cord match is over. Mai Duong, a 34-year-old Vietnamese-Canadian battling acute leukemia, announced Tuesday that she has finally found a match. "I'm going to have the transplant and hopefully everything will go well and hopefully I'll have a new marrow," Duong tearfully told reporters Tuesday. "I just hope I'm going to beat cancer once and for all." "A woman gave birth to her child and has donated her baby's umbilical cord to save another life," reads a post on the Save Mai Duong Facebook page. "Thank you dear mommy, we cannot fathom the importance of your gesture. I am very moved." Duong beat cancer last year, after chemotherapy that she had to terminate a 15-week pregnancy to undergo. She was in remission until May, when blood tests revealed the leukemia had returned. "Seventy per cent of people who had that type of leukemia were just cured with chemotherapy and unfortunately I'm in the 30 per cent," she said at the time. Doctors said Duong would need a bone marrow transplant or cord blood stem cells and she needed it fast. Despite being on the international list, doctors … Continue reading

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Quebec leukemia patient Mai Duong finds cord blood donor

Posted: Published on September 16th, 2014

A Quebec womans desperate, months-long search for a compatible stem cell or umbilical cord match is over. Mai Duong, a 34-year-old Vietnamese-Canadian battling acute leukemia, announced Tuesday that she has finally found a match. "I'm going to have the transplant and hopefully everything will go well and hopefully I'll have a new marrow," Duong tearfully told reporters Tuesday. "I just hope I'm going to beat cancer once and for all." "A woman gave birth to her child and has donated her baby's umbilical cord to save another life," reads a post on the Save Mai Duong Facebook page. "Thank you dear mommy, we cannot fathom the importance of your gesture. I am very moved." Duong beat cancer last year, after chemotherapy that she had to terminate a 15-week pregnancy to undergo. She was in remission until May, when blood tests revealed the leukemia had returned. "Seventy per cent of people who had that type of leukemia were just cured with chemotherapy and unfortunately I'm in the 30 per cent," she said at the time. Doctors said Duong would need a bone marrow transplant or cord blood stem cells and she needed it fast. Despite being on the international list, doctors … Continue reading

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Quebec leukemia patient Mai Duong finds stem cell donor

Posted: Published on September 16th, 2014

A Quebec womans desperate, months-long search for a compatible stem cell or umbilical cord match is over. Mai Duong, a 34-year-old Vietnamese-Canadian battling acute leukemia, announced Tuesday that she has finally found a match. "I'm going to have the transplant and hopefully everything will go well and hopefully I'll have a new marrow," Duong tearfully told reporters Tuesday. "I just hope I'm going to beat cancer once and for all." "A woman gave birth to her child and has donated her baby's umbilical cord to save another life," reads a post on the Save Mai Duong Facebook page. "Thank you dear mommy, we cannot fathom the importance of your gesture. I am very moved." Duong beat cancer last year, after chemotherapy that she had to terminate a 15-week pregnancy to undergo. She was in remission until May, when blood tests revealed the leukemia had returned. "Seventy per cent of people who had that type of leukemia were just cured with chemotherapy and unfortunately I'm in the 30 per cent," she said at the time. Doctors said Duong would need a bone marrow transplant or cord blood stem cells and she needed it fast. Despite being on the international list, doctors … Continue reading

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Watch brave cancer battler Ulrika Dandekar make a desperate appeal for a stem cell donor

Posted: Published on September 15th, 2014

Watch Ulrika's appeal. Can you help, before it is too late? Time is running out for brave Ulrika Dandekar who is desperately in need of a stem cell transplant after being diagnosed with a rare type of blood cancer. For Ulrika, aged 21, from Solihull, has been readmitted to hospital after discovering more than 15 cancerous lumps on her body. She has undergone another round of chemotherapy in the hope of combating the cancer, called Anaplastic Lymphoma, at Heartlands Hospital, and will have to wait at least two weeks before she will find out if its worked. VIEW GALLERY Previous treatment had seen a reduction in the size of another cancerous growth But during a holiday to Turkey in August, Ulrika, known as Riya, noticed that a small lump on the side of her body, which was thought to be an insect bite, had grown. She explained: I had been given the okay to go on holiday to Turkey with my mum, but just before going away, I noticed a small lump which looked just like an insect bite. The doctors thought it was nothing to worry about but I was given antibiotics. However, when we got abroad it just … Continue reading

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Mark's story – after a stem cell transplant – Video

Posted: Published on September 14th, 2014

Mark's story - after a stem cell transplant Mark talks about his experiences of recovering after a stem cell transplant. Have you or a loved one been affected by a bone marrow (or stem cell) transplant... By: Anthony Nolan … Continue reading

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Johnny's story – after a stem cell transplant – Video

Posted: Published on September 14th, 2014

Johnny's story - after a stem cell transplant Johnny talks about his experiences of recovering after a stem cell transplant. Have you or a loved one been affected by a bone marrow (or stem cell) transpla... By: Anthony Nolan … Continue reading

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Lee's story – after a stem cell transplant – Video

Posted: Published on September 14th, 2014

Lee's story - after a stem cell transplant Renate talks about her experiences of recovering after a stem cell transplant. Have you or a loved one been affected by a bone marrow (or stem cell) transpla... By: Anthony Nolan … Continue reading

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