Cerebral Palsy Causes, Symptoms, Treatment – Cerebral Palsy …

Posted: Published on November 29th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Cerebral Palsy (cont.)

Medical Editor:

Dr. Shiel received a Bachelor of Science degree with honors from the University of Notre Dame. There he was involved in research in radiation biology and received the Huisking Scholarship. After graduating from St. Louis University School of Medicine, he completed his Internal Medicine residency and Rheumatology fellowship at the University of California, Irvine. He is board-certified in Internal Medicine and Rheumatology.

There is no cure for cerebral palsy. With early and ongoing treatment, however, the disabilities associated with cerebral palsy can be reduced. Many different therapies are available, most under the supervision of a medical specialist or other allied professional. Not all of these therapies are right for every person with cerebral palsy. The therapy regimen for a specific individual with cerebral palsy should be tailored to meet the needs of that individual. A treatment may work for one child but not for another. The parents and the child's care team work together to choose only those treatments that offer some benefit to the child.

What symptoms did your child experience with cerebral palsy?

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