DIY plastic surgery for Korean teens

Posted: Published on December 15th, 2013

This post was added by Dr. Richardson

Chung Sung-Jun / Getty Images, file

People walk in Seoul's Gangnam district on Sept. 24, 2012 in Seoul, South Korea.

By Geoff Cain, GlobalPost contributor

SEOUL, South Korea In the heart of Seouls famous Gangnam neighborhood lies the Beauty Belt, a grouping of streets lined with hundreds of cosmetic surgery joints.

Untold numbers of Koreans as well as Chinese and Southeast Asian tourists have trekked to this district, seeking a pointed nose, rounded eyes, a slimmer jaw line and even agentler smile,considered graceful in some East Asian countries.

South Koreans are the most cosmetically enhanced people in the world, according to theInternational Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. In this hyper-competitive society, plastic surgery is often seen as a prerequisite to job and relationship success.

But what if you cant afford these high-end clinics?

Turns out, theres an alternative: do-it-yourself cosmetic enhancements.

Its popular among anxious Korean teens who lack the funds to purchase the rarified good looks plastered on subway and bus advertisements.Taken together, a VIP package of procedures such as an eye lift, nose job, and even apopular jaw bone-cutting operationcan fetch more than $10,000.

Lee Jae-Won / Reuters, file

Originally posted here:
DIY plastic surgery for Korean teens

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