DNA Digital Videos presents EPIC Promo – Video

Posted: Published on February 16th, 2013

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

DNA Digital Videos presents EPIC Promo
Digital video is audio/visual in a binary format. Information is presented as a sequence of digital data, rather than in a continuous signal as analog information is. http://www.dnadigitalvideos.com Information in the natural world, received through the five senses, is analog. That means that it is infinitely variable. Digital A information, on the other hand, consists of discrete units of data that are placed so close together that the human senses perceive them as a continuous flow. Analog data, such as video recorded on tape, is transmitted as electronic signals of varying frequency or amplitude that are added to carrier waves of a given frequency. To make that information usable on a computer or a modern media player, analog-to-digital conversion translates an analog signal to a series of zeroes and ones, which represent, respectively, "negative" and "positive," "off" and "on," or "low" and "high." The opposite action, digital-to-analog conversion, recreates the analog signal for playback. Digital video offers a number of advantages over analog video, including: Ease of sharing and storage. No degredation of data quality when copied. Easy and inexpensive copying. Digital video technology can also incorporate analytical software for intelligent video, which enables capabilities such as video search, object tracking and intrusion detection. http://www.dnadigitalvideos.com

By: DNAdigitalvideos

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DNA Digital Videos presents EPIC Promo - Video

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