Dr. Paul Harch – The Oxygen Revolution: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy – Part 2 – BlogTalkRadio

Posted: Published on June 30th, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

Dr. Paul Harch is a world-renowned leading expert in hyperbaric medicine.Using his 30+ years ofHyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)experience, Dr. Harch administers the most scientifically based and precise treatment plans. Heis responsible for the largest documented improvements in brain injury and neurological cases treating patients with HBOT.

Beginning with brain injured divers and boxers in 1989, he applied his protocol to the first HBOT-treated cerebral palsy and autistic children in this country and multiple other cerebral disorders, including most recently the first PET documented Alzheimers case and a subacute drowned child.He wroteThe Oxygen Revolution: (3 rd edition) Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT): Breakthrough Gene Therapyfor Traumatic Brain Injury & Other Disorders, a book explaining the science of HBOT and how it affects various neurological conditions.

Dr. Harch has presented his clinical experience and research four times to the U.S. Congress and has been nominated for the NIH Directors Pioneer Award.He has a private HBOT practice and is director of the University Medical Center Hyperbaric Medicine Departmentand Clinical Professor of Medicine, Section of Emergency Medicine at LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans.

Dr. Harch joins our show to share hisrecent research on HBOT Therapy and Coronavirusapplication!

Paul G Harch, MDsite

The Oxygen Revolution

Part 1 with Dr. Harch 062120

Dr. Paul Harch - The Oxygen Revolution: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - Part 2 - BlogTalkRadio

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