Father sentenced for injury to child

Posted: Published on August 25th, 2012

This post was added by Dr Simmons

COEUR d'ALENE - A 21-year-old father was sentenced Friday for the felony offense of injury to a child for the major brain injury his then 20-day-old son suffered while in his care last summer. A doctor said the injury was not accidental and is common with shaken babies.

James D. Blanchard, of Coeur d'Alene, will spend up to the next year in prison completing a program chosen by the Idaho Department of Correction. Through the program, Blanchard may receive treatment and will be evaluated, and then is expected to return to Coeur d'Alene for another hearing in front of 1st District Court Judge John Luster.

Luster sentenced Blanchard to a term of imprisonment of seven to 15 years, but retained jurisdiction and will evaluate whether further imprisonment or probation is appropriate once the prison program is completed.

Kootenai County Deputy Prosecutor Robert Green asked Luster to sentence Blanchard to seven to 15 years in prison.

Blanchard's son, Noah, suffered the brain injury on July 24 of last year, while Blanchard was watching Noah by himself while the mother, Angelina Rey, went to get some Chinese food for dinner. The couple lived with their new child at an apartment at 1042 N. 17th St.

The mother spoke in court Friday about how Noah is affected by his injury, saying he likely will never be able to walk, talk or see.

"His life will be full of challenges," she said. "As a result of this my son was taken from me."

Dr. Brian Hickok, of Lakeside Pediatric in Coeur d'Alene, was Noah's doctor when he arrived at the emergency room the day of the injury, and has continued caring for him.

He said Noah's injury is not consistent with an accident inside a home, and is more likely the result of being violently shaken.

"He'll likely be dependent on a caretaker," Hickok said. "It's very unlikely he'll be able to walk or talk."

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Father sentenced for injury to child

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