Growth hormone therapy: Who can benefit from HGH – Augusta Free Press

Posted: Published on May 21st, 2020

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Published Wednesday, May. 20, 2020, 8:13 am

Front Page Business Growth hormone therapy: Who can benefit from HGH

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Hormones play a significant role in almost every primary function in our bodies. They are also responsible for the growth you experience on a day-to-day basis. If your body does not generate enough hormones, growth becomes stunted, and this can lead to the development of other health complications.

The pituitary gland is the master control gland that not only controls other glands; but also produces the hormone that triggers overall growth. However, if the pituitary gland cannot produce the growth hormone, then you will need replacement therapy to help activate the hormone.

HGH is a hormone that stimulates cell regeneration, growth, and cell reproduction in humans. It is secreted by the pituitary gland located in your brain. Once the hormone is secreted, it remains active in the body for several minutes. This, in return, gives the liver sufficient time to transform it into growth essentials.

There is a ton of HGH therapy benefits and responsibilities some of which include:

The primary responsibility of the human growth hormone is to promote growth. It plays a significant role in the physical growth of children. It rises progressively when a child is young and peaks during the growth spurt, and this leads to puberty.

It also stimulates the breakdown of protein, as well as increases the breakdown of fats. This, in turn, provides the energy your tissues require to grow. The human growth hormone also stimulates the liver and other tissues to release growth factors that mimic the role of insulin.

According to endocrinologists ofMedzone Clinic, Growth hormone decline occurs when the pituitary gland does not produce enough human growth hormone to facilitate growth. GH deficiency is more common in young children. According to medical statistics, the hormone decline occurs in approximately 1 in 7000 births. The condition could also be a symptom of underlying genetic conditions like Prader-Willi syndrome and Turner Syndrome.

While every child grows differently, there are average measurements that doctors use to determine healthy growth. These measurements include:

If your childs height is less than the 3rd percentile of the expected average height of their age, this can be a sign of growth hormone decline.

Other symptoms of GHD include a delay in puberty, especially for children who develop a decline of Human growth hormone later in life. Many teens with this deficiency can also experience self-esteem issues because of developmental delays. For instance, young men may not experience a change in their voice as their peers.

Another symptom is reduced bone strength. This can sometimes make fractures frequent, especially in adults. People with a decline in GH may also lack stamina and feel tired most of the time. They may also experience physiological effects like:

The good news is that there is a treatment measure in place to deal with the human growth hormone decline. The most common form of treatment for children and adults with this decline is growth hormone therapy. This mode of treatment requires the use of lab-developed hormones that patients are injected with regularly.

HGH replacement can be prescribed to both children and adults fordifferent reasons. In the United States, for example, it is approved for adults with wasted muscles, especially as a result of disorders or viruses like HIV. HGH replacement therapy is strictly recommended for those with GH deficiency resulting from particular diseases or kids with slow growth.

Patients receive these injections depending on the severity of the decline. The therapy mimics the behavior of the natural hormone in your body to perform different responsibilities. Before doctors can recommend this treatment, they look at several factors like:

It is also important to note that for children, the injections are given daily, and they can last for years. However, you may start seeing some changes after three or four months. Doctors often advise parents to start the therapy earlier, as this helps improve the chance of your child attaining a near-normal or normal height. For adults, the HGH replacements may not be administered daily. It, however, helps in improving skin, improving your productivity, and boosting the immune system. For the therapy to be effective, it is best if you detect the issue and take action at an early state.

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Growth hormone therapy: Who can benefit from HGH - Augusta Free Press

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