Health Beat: Stem cells reverse multiple sclerosis

Posted: Published on April 9th, 2015

This post was added by Dr. Richardson


Rachel Taylor was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 14 years ago.

"It was terrifying. It was like having a wet, heavy blanket put over your life. I was active. I was a runner. I was outdoors playing, and over the course of a few months, I couldn't figure out why I couldn't keep up" Taylor recalled.

Taylor knew what was wrong. She'd been working with the MS Society bike rides for years.

Taylor is in remission now, but she is still thrilled with Tom Lane, professor of pathology at the University of Utahs stem cell discovery.

"We have animals that are paralyzed that cannot right themselves, and once we engraft the neural stem cells into the spinal cords, within three weeks, the majority of the animals, about 80 to 85 percent, will regain motor skills," Lane said.

Researchers said MS damages myelin, a layer around nerve cells. Once injected, the human neural cells stimulate the mouse's own cells to repair the damage. When nerve cell function returns, the mice can walk and run again.

Taylor said the discovery could be life-changing for many of her friends. Researchers said after the mice regained function, their bodies rejected the stem cells, which vanished, eliminating the possibility that those cells could become tumors.

Lane is hoping this procedure could be ready for human clinical trials in two to three years.

DOWNLOAD and VIEW research summary and an in-depth interview with the doctor

Read more here:
Health Beat: Stem cells reverse multiple sclerosis

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