HONEY WORLD – Manuka Health

Posted: Published on November 29th, 2014

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Welcome to Honey World !

Health Benefits of Manuka Honey

Complete line of Manuka honey and health products imported from New Zealand

Manuka Premium Honey (internally: colds, sore throats, antioxidant, general health, stimulates the immune system): 500g - $16.75(CAD)Manuka Honey is a strong native bush (tea tree) honey that has been recently receiving a great deal of interest worldwide with the discovery of its very effective natural antibiotics. The University of Waikato has carried out much research and the honey is currently being tried on hospital patients suffering from stomach or duodenal ulcers. It appears to be a more successful antibiotic than traditional medical treatments in certain applications. Dr. Molan's research proves that Manuka Honey destroys many strains of bacteria including Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Staphaureus and especially exciting its ability to kill Helicobacter Pylori (the stomach bacteria associated with stomach ulcers). It appears that Manuka Honey likely can offer a cure for millions of peptic ulcer sufferers worldwide. Manuka Honey can be taken both internally or externally. The research team headed by Dr Peter Molan of Waikato University, has found Manuka Honey very effective for topical use on burns, wounds (supports recovery of infected cells), acne, eczema, indigestion, abscesses, cracked skin, stomach ache, diarrhea and heartburn, the list keeps growing. (No other honey in the world has these outstanding abilities!) For sore throats and colds: when the first feeling of a cold comes on, take a teaspoon of Manuka Honey from time to time throughout the day. Dr Molan keeps Manuka Honey with his first aid kit.

Manuka Honey MGO 30 / Active UMF 5+ (internally: colds, sore throats, antioxidant, general health, stimulates the immune system):500g - $21.75(CAD); Active Manuka Honey has been tested and contains unique activity. This honey is a unique health food with properties that can only be found in Active Manuka Honey. Only Active Manuka Honey has the special non-peroxide (UMF) activity factor that inhibits Helicobacter Pylori and is effective in relieving stomach ulcer symptoms. For the medicinal uses identified by Dr. P Molan (www.sci.waikato.ac.nz) of the honey Research Unit of the Waikato University.

How to use Active Manuka Honey: - Apply Active Manuka Honey directly to a wound or ulcer and cover with a porous dressing. Change dressing 3 times daily.

- Dr. Molan's research shows the most effective method of treating stomach ulcers is by taking Manuka Honey on an empty stomach. Take 1 teaspoon Active Manuka Honey first thing in the morning, again before lunch and dinner, and before going to bed, on a small piece of bread. The bread helps to keep the Active Manuka Honey in the stomach area longer. Do not drink liquids right after honey intake; the honey needs to stay concentrated to be more effective. - When you feel like you are coming down with a cold and start getting a sore throat, take 1 teaspoon of Active Manuka honey and let it slowly melt in your mouth and slip down the throat. Again, do not drink liquids right after Active Manuka intake. Do this two, three or four times the very first day, as long a you still have a sore throat. - For canker sores, place a 1/4 teaspoon of Active Manuka Honey on the canker sore and let it melt on the sore. Do this 3-4 times per day, for 2-3 days.

Manuka Honey MGO 100 (internally: colds, sore throats, antioxidant, general health, immune system and very effective in killing H. Pylori) 500g - $29.00(CAD) 250g - $16.75(CAD)

MGOor Methylglyoxal, has been recently identified by German scientist Prof. Henle as manuka honeys dominant antibacterial constituent. The MGO test is accurate and shows a direct relationship between methylglyoxal content and antibacterial activity. He has shown scientifically that all honey have varying degrees of healing properties. The anti-bacterial activity of honey is based partly on its osmotic effects in that the bacteria that cause infection are unable to survive in honey because they become dehydrated, due to the anti-bacterial agent hydrogen peroxide (produced from an enzyme that bees add to the nectar) - found in honey, being effective against most strains of bacteria. As hydrogen peroxide decomposes, it generates highly reactive free radicals that react and kill bacteria. The peroxide antibacterial activity of other honeyswas found not to be effective against Helicobacter Pylori.

Manuka Honey MGO 400 / UMF 20+ (internally and externally: colds, sore throats, very effective in killing H. Pylori and burns, wounds, acne, eczema)500g - $55.00(CAD) or 250g - $29.00(CAD)

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HONEY WORLD - Manuka Health

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