I Asked GPT4 To Predict The Timeline Of Breakthrough Advances In Superintelligence Until The Year – Medium

Posted: Published on February 4th, 2024

This post was added by Dr Simmons

16 min read

I have read a very exciting blog piece this morning on the artificial intelligence revolution and the road to superintelligence. It is a very long piece, but it is extremely rewarding and insightful. Read it below in two parts:

This article prompted me to ask a series of questions to GPT4 on the prospects of superintelligence.

We are approaching a new era, yet we have no clue about what it means or what we are faced with. My goal is to improve my understanding.

You will see each prompt, followed by the response provided by GPT4.

Predict the timeline of breakthrough advances in superintelligence and singularity. Create a timeline until year 2100. Explain each prediction in detail. What will happen? When? Write each in the form of a journalistic headline (with year).

1. 2025: Neuralink AI Interface Achieves Mind-Computer Integration Neuralink, the brain-computer interface company headed by Elon Musk, successfully develops a revolutionary technology that enables seamless communication between the human brain and computers. This breakthrough paves the way for significant advancements in AI research and human-machine integration, laying the foundation for subsequent breakthroughs.

2. 2030: Self-Learning AI Masters Multiple General Intelligence Tasks Researchers push the boundaries of AI capabilities, leading to the development of sophisticated algorithms capable of learning and mastering various general intelligence tasks. This milestone signifies a significant leap towards creating artificial

Read more here:

I Asked GPT4 To Predict The Timeline Of Breakthrough Advances In Superintelligence Until The Year - Medium

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