Lance Armstrong may admit he used banned drugs: NY Times

Posted: Published on January 7th, 2013

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

(Reuters) - Lance Armstrong, the American cyclist at the center of the biggest doping scandal in the sport's history, may admit he used performance-enhancing drugs during his career, the New York Times reported in Saturday's editions, citing unidentified sources.

Such an admission would be a stunning reversal for Armstrong, who has vehemently denied doping for years.

The Times reported that Armstrong, 41, has told associates and anti-doping officials he may make the admission in hopes of persuading anti-doping officials to allow him to resume competition in athletic events that adhere to the World Anti-Doping Code, under which Armstrong is currently subject to a lifetime ban.

Asked if Armstrong might admit to doping, Armstrong's lawyer Tim Herman told the Times: "Lance has to speak for himself on that."

The newspaper, citing an unidentified person briefed on the situation, said Armstrong has been in discussions with the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) and met with Travis Tygart, the agency's chief executive.

The paper, citing the same source, said Armstrong is also seeking to meet with David Howman, the director general of the World Anti-Doping Agency.

Armstrong's lawyer denied his client had talked with Tygart, according to the Times.

Howman said in a statement the agency had read "with interest" media accounts of Armstrong's possible intention to confess.

"To date, WADA has had no official approach from Mr. Armstrong or his legal representatives, but - as with anyone involved in anti-doping violations - it would welcome any discussion that helps in the fight against doping in sport," Howman said.

A spokeswoman for the USADA declined to comment.

Read more:
Lance Armstrong may admit he used banned drugs: NY Times

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