Letters to the editor 5/1/14

Posted: Published on May 2nd, 2014

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Abortion debate needs scientific fact check

I am writing in response to Taylor Rubles letter published on Thursday addressing the abortion debate last month. As someone who organized and attended the debate, I would like to take this opportunity to correct some misconceptions about the arguments that were made in the debate.

In the debate, Seth Drayer argued from the science of embryology that the pre-born child is biologically a member of the human family, only distinct from born persons in the areas of size, level of development, and degree of dependency. He argued that none of these distinctions disqualify someone from human rights. For example, a toddler is much smaller, less developed, and significantly more dependent on others for survival than the average college student. Yet this does not make them less valuable.

In contrast, Professor Webbs main argument was the shocking assertion that universal human rights do not exist, and therefore only the mothers preference matters. He even went so far as to argue that sex trafficking does not violate human rights, and is justifiable in some cultures.

Ruble argued against Professor Webbs assertion that the pre-born child is not a conscious being. I would argue whether someone is conscious of their surroundings is irrelevant to their rights. Human beings remain valuable because of their human nature whether they are conscious or not.

Professor Webb also argued that we dont know when life begins, and Ruble seemed to agree. The fact is we do know exactly when human life begins. Basic embryology tells us that a living, unique, and whole human being is formed at conception, when the DNA of the sperm and egg fuse to create a new individual. By biological definition, the zygote is human and alive. Our debate on this topic should be driven by scientific facts.

David Bedel, a senior in the College of Engineering.

Theres no real choice when it comes to life

This is in reply to the editorial on pro-choice and motherhood. As a pro-life person, I actually agree with a couple of points made in the article. Those tweets about Chelsea Clintons pregnancy were as you stated, petty and mean. And yes, this life and all human life is a cause to celebrate.

However we must part ways when the choice conversation begins. Science has proven beyond doubt that life begins at conception. Every single one of us was an embryo. We were the exact same person then as we are now, at an earlier stage of development. I think its important to point out that when it comes to choice, you are not choosing to uphold your reproductive or family planning rights. You are choosing whether or not to kill your son or daughter.

Original post:
Letters to the editor 5/1/14

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