National Defective Drug Attorneys Warn that Male Baldness Drug Propecia May Cause Permanent Sexual Dysfunction …

Posted: Published on October 2nd, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Parker Waichman LLP reports that Propecia (finasteride 1mg), a drug used to treat male pattern baldness, may lead to sexual side effects such as erectile dysfunction, diminished sex drive and orgasm problems. According to two studies published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, these potential complications may persist even after Propecia is stopped. Recent research also suggests that use of the drug is linked to depression.

New York, New York (PRWEB) October 01, 2012

Last March, the Journal of Sexual Medicine published a study linking Propecia to persistent sexual dysfunction. The study interviewed 71 Propecia users who reported new-onset sexual side effects, such as:

Low sex drive

The participants used Propecia for an average of 28 months. Persistent sexual side effects lasted an average of 40 months from the time the drug was discontinued.

In July, the Journal of Sexual Medicine published another study confirming these earlier findings. According to the study, 96 percent of men who experienced sexual side effects after taking Propecia continued to suffer these symptoms one year after stopping treatment. The following month, the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry published a study linking the drug to depression. Researchers compared men who experienced sexual side effects for at least three months after taking Propecia to a control group who had male pattern baldness with no history of mental illness or exposure to Propecia; 75 percent of the Propecia group reported feeling symptoms of depression compared to 10 percent in the control group.

Propecia was approved in 1997 to treat male pattern baldness. In higher doses, it is sold under the brand name Proscar and is used to treat men with an enlarged prostate or urinary problems. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) updated the label on Propecia to include libido disorders, ejaculation disorders, and orgasm disorders under the potential side effects.

Parker Waichman LLP is currently offering free legal consultations to victims of Proscar or Propecia sexual side effects. Please contact their office by visiting the Proscar and Propecia side effect pages at Free case evaluations are also available by calling 1 800 LAW INFO (1-800-529-4636).


Parker Waichman LLP

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National Defective Drug Attorneys Warn that Male Baldness Drug Propecia May Cause Permanent Sexual Dysfunction ...

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