New report: Pharmacy electronic trackings haven't stemmed meth production

Posted: Published on January 10th, 2013

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

KNOXVILLE Enhanced electronic tracking of ingredients at the pharmacy counter has barely made a dent in Tennessee's methamphetamine production, a study released today by the Tennessee Comptroller's Office concludes.

The findings echo repeated complaints and criticism of the system by law-enforcement officers statewide.Tennessee continually ranks at or near the top of the list for the most meth labs found in any state. Three years ago, the Tennessee Methamphetamine Task Force counted an all-time high of 2,082 labs reported by police across the state. Last year saw almost as many labs reported, with the task force projecting a total of 1,800 or higher."Methamphetamine production in small labs is prevalent in Tennessee despite the implementation of pharmacy precursor sales limitations and an enhanced electronic tracking system," the report notes. "Data limitations and other factors make it difficult to gauge the effectiveness of various precursor control policies."

Addicts make meth, a stimulant, by using household chemicals such as lye and lantern fuel to break down pseudoephedrine, the main ingredient in some popular cold and sinus pills. The process creates toxic waste and often leads to fire and explosions.

Tennessee has tracked pseudoephedrine sales since 2005 by limiting sales to pharmacies and requiring all buyers to show identification and sign a log. That measure makes finding meth cooks easier but hasn't stopped production.

Rings of meth users known as "smurfs" band together to hit pharmacies en masse and buy up as much pseudoephedrine as possible. A newer method, known as the "one-pot" or "shake and bake" recipe, requires fewer ingredients than older formulas and equipment no more complicated than a single bottle.

Two states Oregon and Mississippi have made pseudoephedrine available by prescription only. The report notes meth production has plummeted in both states but stops short of recommending that step for Tennessee.

Police agencies across the state, including the meth task force, called for such legislation in 2011, but legislators and Gov. Bill Haslam settled on increased electronic tracking through a nationwide, privately managed system as a compromise. The system, known as MethCheck or the National Precursor Log Exchange, allows real-time tracking of pseudoephedrine sales by police and pharmacists but hasn't made a noticeable difference in the problem, the report concludes.

More details as they develop online and in Friday's News Sentinel.

Read more from the original source:
New report: Pharmacy electronic trackings haven't stemmed meth production

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