Pharmacy staff wary of the hit-and-scoot gang

Posted: Published on September 27th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Sept. 27, 2012, midnight

STAFF at Mayos Pharmacy in Lavington arent fooled by the scooter gang.

When the youngsters turned the shop into a thoroughfare several times on Monday afternoon, staff members were on their toes to ensure nothing was stolen from the shelves.

Pharmacy owner Andrew Crichton said he had chased them down the road a couple of months ago after they had stolen a handful of Freddo frogs.

Its more frustrating than anything else, Mr Crichton said.

It doesnt take them long to high-tail it out of here.

Another store owner across the other side of Griffith Road said she often had a box-seat view of trouble-making kids as they raced from McDonalds, where they annoy staff, across the road to their regular hang-out at the Lavington Post Office.

The woman, who didnt want to be named, said shed recently had an encounter with one of the boys who had stolen a $1 card from a stand outside her shop.

She had gone out and taken the card off him before having a change of heart when he told her the card was for his mothers birthday.

I said: Heres the card but in doing a good thing by you, you have to look after me too, she said.

Pharmacy staff wary of the hit-and-scoot gang

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