Research and Markets: Complete 2012-13 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Industry Report

Posted: Published on November 24th, 2012

This post was added by Dr Simmons


Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Complete 2012-13 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Industry Report" report to their offering.

Stem cell research and experimentation has been in process for well over five decades. Stem cells have the unique characteristics whereby they are able to divide and replicate repeatedly in addition to their being unspecialized with the ability to differentiate into specialized cell types. The possibilities that arise with the perfecting of cell replication has caused this area of exploration to remain on the forefront of scientific research, with ongoing hope that cures and treatment of diseases as well as reparative cell therapy, tissue regeneration and pharmacological testing on cell-specific tissue will one day become viable options within the medical community.

Diseases such as Huntington's Chorea, Parkinson's Disease, and spinal cord injuries are just some examples of potential clinical applications where stem cells can offer potential benefits in halting or even reversing medical conditions that previously had no positive outcome potential - and induced pluripotent stem cells represent a preferred cell type for this type of disease reversal research.

Traditionally, scientists have worked with both embryonic and adult stem cells. While the appeal of embryonic cells has been their ability to differentiate into any type of cell, there has been significant ethical, moral and spiritual controversy surrounding the use of embryonic cells for research. Although adult stem cells can differentiate slightly, they are typically limited to differentiation within their original tissue type, creating narrow options for their use.

Perhaps the most distinctive feature of this report are the breakthrough findings discovered as a result of surveying 293 researchers that identify as having induced pluripotent stem cells as their core research focus. Of the 293 respondents, 181 were U.S. based and 112 were international. These key survey findings reveal iPSC researcher wants and needs, technical preferences, and key factors influencing buying decisions. These vital findings can be used to direct the product development and product positioning decisions. Remember, to benefit from this lucrative product market, you need to anticipate and serve the needs of your clients, or your competitors will.

Key Topics Covered:

I. Abstract

II. Background

III. Timeline

The rest is here:
Research and Markets: Complete 2012-13 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Industry Report

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