Stroke victim's visit to doctor a life-saver

Posted: Published on September 10th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Ricky Te Whare in his Dunedin home. Photo by Gerard O'Brien.

Wife Sheryl made him see a doctor, even though she could not pinpoint anything wrong with him.

About 10 years ago, Mr Te Whare (51) was working as a supervisor at the Dunedin Hospital laundry and, lacking energy, went home early.

Although he did not ''feel right'', he decided against seeing a doctor and wanted to sleep.

Mrs Te Whare (51) convinced him to go to the after-hours clinic.

At the clinic, his blood pressure test read 266:199, he said.

''If I'd gone to bed, I wouldn't have woken up ... I should have been dead.''

When they called him an ambulance, he assured medical staff he could walk across the road.

''I thought, 'What's all the hoo-ha about?'''

But in the emergency department, he soon realised he needed help when his legs started cramping.

Read more:
Stroke victim's visit to doctor a life-saver

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