You could be the match and save someone's life

Posted: Published on February 21st, 2015

This post was added by Dr. Richardson

To what length would you go to save someone's life, a stranger's life at that?

It's a question Be The Match group representatives are asking you as every ten minutes someone who has blood cancer dies.

We're talking about people diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma and sickle cell anemia.

For hundreds of patients each year, their only hope for survival is a bone marrow or stem cell transplant.

"My doctors told me, you can go through a transplant or you can die," said John Philpott, Be The Match community engagement representative. "Those were my only choices."

Fortunately, for John Philpott who was diagnosed with leukemia in 2012, he eventually heard the words "We found a match."

Philpott, like many others, 70 percent, to be exact, do not find a matched donor within their family.

After beating cancer, he nabbed a job working for the group that saved his life.

"The number one thing that Be The Match does is provide hope patients who have no other choice than to receive a transplant," Philpott said.

Friday, Feb. 20 and Saturday, Feb. 21, people can sign up to be a part of the registry. You have to be between the ages of 18-44 years old.

Read the original post:
You could be the match and save someone's life

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