Announcement: A New Publication from the American Institute of Physics — Bioengineering Today – PR Newswire (press release)

Posted: Published on June 7th, 2017

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

As people are living longer and healthier lives despite disease, disability and injury, today's research promise is tomorrow's hope. Hope that researchers will continue to uncover human genetics and physiology to better understand all the normal and pathological processes that shape our bodies and our minds. Hope that scientists and engineers can use that knowledge to develop new technologies and devices, new drugs or biologicals, or new policies and preventative practices. Hope that medical researchers will help bring about new, precision medicine approaches to treating diseases and improving human health. Hope that new strides in fundamental physics will be translated unto medicine. And hope that all this will lead to a brighter, healthier future for humanity.

"Your hope is our hope -- that as we move into the future, discoveries that touch humanity, helping make better lives, will touch and help you," said Jason Socrates Bardi, AIP News Director and Editor of Bioengineering Today.

Bioengineering Today is written for professional and enthusiastic general audiences. For professional audiences, the journal offers news briefs and long-form reporting on interdisciplinary research in the biomedical research field. For general audiences, the magazine offers news, investigative analysis and useful information that can be applied to daily life. There are also opportunities for more interaction through Bioengineering Today's Facebook page and Twitter account to engage in further discussions about the topics that interest and inspire readers.

Please visit the Bioengineering Today homepage at to learn more.

ABOUT BIOENGINEERING TODAY Bioengineering Today is a nonprofit journalism venture owned and operated by the scholarly nonprofit publisher AIP Publishing in Melville, New York. AIP Publishing is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the American Institute of Physics (AIP) in College Park, Maryland, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. See:

ABOUT AIP PUBLISHING AIP Publishing is a wholly owned not-for-profit subsidiary of the American Institute of Physics (AIP). AIP Publishing's mission is to support the charitable, scientific and educational purposes of AIP through scholarly publishing activities in the fields of the physical and related sciences on its own behalf and on behalf of our publishing partners to help them proactively advance their missions.

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SOURCE AIP Publishing

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Announcement: A New Publication from the American Institute of Physics -- Bioengineering Today - PR Newswire (press release)

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