Cervical Spinal Cord Injury | SpinalCord.com

Posted: Published on May 12th, 2019

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

The Cervical Spine

The cervical spine is located at the very top of the spinal column. The seven vertebral levels within this region, which are classified as C1-C7 from the top down, form the human neck. There is an additional cervical-level injury known as a C8 injury which relates to damage to the spinal cord root that exits the spinal column between vertebrae C7 and T1.

The spinal cord running through the cervical region of the spine is identified by the level of the vertebra in which its contained. Cervical spinal cord injuries are the most severe of allspinal cord injuriesand may affect one or both sides of the body.

The higher up in the spine that the injury occurs, the more severe the potential outcome. Some cervical spinal cord injuries are severe enough to result in death. Injuries to C1 and C2 are very rare and most injuries to the cervical spinal column occur near the C4 / C5 levels. While no two spinal cord injuries are the same, early treatment is critical to the long-termprognosisof any injury to the cervical spinal column.

TheC1 and C2 vertebraeform the top of the spine (neck) at the base of the skull. These bones are named atlas and axis respectively and support the pivot motion of the neck. Injuries to the spinal cord at the C1 & C2 levels are rare, extremely severe, and most often fatal. Atlas and axis are followed byC3 and C4to form the high cervical vertebrae. If not fatal, complete damage to the spinal cord or nerves corresponding to any of the high-cervical vertebral levels most often results infull paralysis, or quadriplegia. A survivor may not be able to breathe on their own and will likely require 24-hour care for the rest of their life.

An individual with an injury to the cervical spinal cord at the C5 level or below has a greater chance of retaining some motor and sensory function than a patient who experiences an injury to the C1-C4 levels. Though damage to the spinal cord at any portion of the neck has the potential to result in fullparalysisof each of the four limbs, survivors ofC5-C8 injuriesmay be able to breathe on their own and speak normally.

Learn more about spinal cord injuries by downloading our free eBook,The Simplified Guide to Spinal Cord Injuries.

Patients with cervical spinal cord injuries will likely experience to some degree:

The unfortunate truth of spinal cord injuries is that there is no way to reverse damage to the spinal cord at any level. With cervical spinal cord injuries being the most severe of all spinal cord injuries, patients will have a long road to rehabilitation ahead of them.

Early treatment may include:

Long-term treatment and rehabilitation may include:

A patient with a cervical spinal cord injury will need a lot of assistance in dealing with the injury and what it means for their future. Mental health is of the utmost importance to a patient with a cervical spinal cord injury as mental health directly relates to physical health. These patients will have a range of emotional changes along with the physical changes; so keeping up with mental health is a must. Seeking out a therapist who deals with paralyzed patients may be a huge part of recovery.

Resources for further reading:

TheSimplifiedGuide to Spinal Cord Injuries

Mayo Clinic

Shepherd Center's Spinal Cord Injury 101

The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation

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Cervical Spinal Cord Injury | SpinalCord.com

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