Chemistry News – Biochemistry, Polymers, Materials Science

Posted: Published on July 24th, 2015

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Solar battery receives 20% of its energy from the sun

( October, researchers at Ohio State demonstrated the world's first solar batterya solar cell and a lithium-oxygen (Li-O2) battery combined into a single device. The main attraction of the solar battery ...

( A is a naturally occurring compound found in the Chinese mangrove plant (Sonneratia paracaseolaris). Among its abilities, it inhibits an important enzyme in the cell cycle progression and affects ...

Scientists at the University of Arizona have discovered a mysterious molecule with a structure simple enough to make it into high school textbooks, yet so elusive that chemists have argued for more than a century over whether ...

Rice University scientists have achieved the total synthesis of a scarce natural marine product that may become a powerful cancer-fighting agent the molecule shishijimicin A.

Many people who live in developing countries do not have access to the pain relief that comes from morphine or other analgesics. That's because opiates are primarily derived from the opium poppy plant (Papaver somniferum) ...

Despite decades of industrial use, the exact chemical transformations occurring within zeolites, a common material used in the conversion of oil to gasoline, remain poorly understood. Now scientists have found a way to locatewith ...

( using solar energy to reversibly attach and detach hydrogen atoms on a 6-carbon ring called benzene, scientists have developed a simple and efficient method to store, transport, and release hydrogen potentially ...

Researchers at McGill University have discovered a clean photo-driven pathway for the efficient synthesis of aryl iodides under extremely mild conditions. The finding, published June 18 in Journal of the American Chemical ...

Rice University scientists are forging toward tunable carbon-capture materials with a new study that shows how chemical changes affect the abilities of enhanced buckyballs to confine greenhouse gases.

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Chemistry News - Biochemistry, Polymers, Materials Science

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