Cord blood stem cells offer promising treatments for Cerebral Palsy

Posted: Published on April 4th, 2017

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a neurological disorder that is caused by damage to the brain, often during pregnancy or childbirth. This brain damage causes impaired motor movements and muscle tone. CP can also lead to other conditions, such as learning disabilities and speech problems. Unfortunately, there is no cure for CP, and treatments are limited.

To find a better treatment for CP, scientists have turned to regenerative medicine with cord blood infusions. This treatment utilizes the stem cells found in umbilical cord blood. Stem cell injections are promising treatments for multiple conditions, because they have the natural ability to development into any other cell type. For example, skin cells and brain cells look different, and they perform very different functions. Stem cells, depending where they are injected and under which conditions, have the capability of developing into any type of cell. Regarding CP, stem cells could be injected into the damaged central nervous system, where they may be able to become healthy brain cells to improve motor and cognitive function. This is referred to as regenerative medicine, because the stem cells are used to regenerate brain tissue.

Several studies have been performed by injecting stem cells into the central nervous systems of patients with CP. There have been some differences in the methods of these studies, such as using differing types and number of cells, length of study, and how outcomes were measured. A recent publication, in a journal called Brain & Development, detailed a systematic review of these studies that have already been published. Taking into consideration the small number or patients and differences in study design, the authors used statistical analysis to compile all of the results. They found that patients are able to tolerate stem cell therapy well, meaning that there are no significant harsh side effects. They also agreed that some symptoms are alleviated by stem cell therapy, regardless of the age of the patient. Finally, the authors concluded that studies with a greater number of patients are needed to be conclusive.

Stem cells are readily found in the blood of umbilical cords, and multiple studies have been performed using this type of stem cell. In 2013, a study was published in a journal called Stem Cells, in which 96 children with CP were injected with either placebo or UCB with or without erythropoietin, a factor that increases red blood cell production. They found that UCB injections improved motor and cognitive functions, while producing structural changes in the brain. Another study found similar results, including that UCB may reduce inflammation in the brain, which is critical for a healthy brain.

Cord blood stem cell therapies offer hope to families of patients with Cerebral Palsy. Scientists and doctors agree with the possibility that stem cells are a viable treatment, but further research is needed. More studies are underway. Ultimately, it is best to discuss treatment options and clinical trials with your doctor.

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