Dating with Ulcerative Colitis – EmpowHer

Posted: Published on March 7th, 2017

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Managing a First Date with Ulcerative Colitis

Let's face it: First dates can be tough. Add in the bloating, stomach pain, and sudden bouts of bleeding and diarrhea that come with ulcerative colitis (UC), and it's enough to make you want to forget the hottie next door and stay home. On top of dealing with embarrassing symptoms, UC often hits in the midst of the dating years. Most people are diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 30.

But just because you have UC doesn't mean you can't enjoy time with friends or give romance a chance. Try these tips from people who've been there.

Pick a place you know well, or scout out the bathroom situation ahead of time if you're going someplace new. Dinner and a movie is usually a safe bet, but avoid crowded bars where there may be long lines for the restrooms. You may want to forgo an afternoon of hiking, biking, or kayaking for a museum or theme park instead.

Do what you can to ease the jitters, especially if stress or nerves seem to make your symptoms worse. Wear something you feel good and confident in, and give yourself plenty of time to get ready.

And of course, be prepared for emergencies. Tuck wipes, a spare pair of underwear, and any medications in your purse or bag (just in case)!

UC affects everyone differently, so it's important to know what foods, if any, trigger your symptoms. Caffeine, carbonated drinks, alcohol, and high fiber or fatty foods can be problematic. Plan what to eat not only during the date but beforehand as well to help prevent a surprise early attack. Many restaurants include their menus online, which can take some of the pressure off when it comes time to ordering your meal.

Even if you're not feeling your best during the date, you shouldn't feel pressured to bring up your condition. You're more than a person with UC.

Having ulcerative colitis can be annoying, frustrating, and even restrictive at times, but it doesn't have to control your entire life or your dating life. Many people continue to live happy, productive lives with the condition and many are happily dating or married too!

Read more from the original source:
Dating with Ulcerative Colitis - EmpowHer

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