Dear Dr. Roach: Aggressive statin treatment won’t affect immune system – Herald & Review

Posted: Published on May 10th, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

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Dear Dr. Roach:Can lowering LDL numbers dramatically affect my immune system and therefore have negative effects if I were to contract a serious infection, such as the new coronavirus?

A: The data are abundant that, in people with known blockages of the arteries in their heart, statin drugs reduce heart attack and stroke risk. I was not able to find data about the risk of viral diseases specifically, but a study from 2015 did demonstrate a lower bacterial infection rate in statin users compared with nonusers. An increase in deaths from causes other than heart disease has not been found in statin users.

However, there are side effects to be concerned about. Statins increase the risk of diabetes in those predisposed to it, and diabetes, especially if poorly controlled, has a negative effect on the immune system and the body's ability to fight off infection.

Dear Dr. Roach: A year ago, I purchased a distilling machine to make my own distilled water to save money. I add the necessary minerals to the finished product. What is your opinion of drinking distilled water versus bottled water? Also, would alkaline water be better than distilled?

Originally posted here:
Dear Dr. Roach: Aggressive statin treatment won't affect immune system - Herald & Review

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