Eczema Diet: Best Foods, Worst Foods, Special Diets, and More

Posted: Published on April 21st, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

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Eczema, aka atopic dermatitis, is an itchy and often painful rash categorized by red, cracked patches of skin. About 10 to 20 percent of babies and children are affected, and about 13 percent of adults.

Eczema usually appears on the face, in body creases, and on the neck. Adults with eczema may experience the rash anywhere on the body, but its commonly found between skin folds, and on the hands, feet, and scalp.

Frequent eczema triggers include periods of high stress, physical inactivity, obesity, dry skin, and dry climates (especially in the winter).

Beyond having a family history of eczema, the causes are unknown. Researchers have, however, found multiple links related to diet.

Everything mommy eats, baby eats. Some research indicates breastfeeding mothers with a family history of atopic dermatitis are found to have lower prevalence of atopic dermatitis when consumption of cows milk is eliminated.

Babies who are exclusively breastfed for the first three months are also less likely to develop eczema.

Having both eczema and food allergies is common. However, different foods trigger eczema for different people, making the offending food difficult to pinpoint. If you suspect some foods to trigger or exacerbate your eczema, you should consult your doctor.

While its important to know which foods to avoid, its just as important to know what foods to incorporate into your daily diet.

These anti-inflammatory foods may help ease your symptoms and ward off future flares.

Omega-3 fatty acids help to reduce inflammation in the body. Theyre commonly found in seafood and plants. Humans do not produce omega-3 fatty acid naturally.

Fish and certain seafood naturally rich with omega-3s include:

Though its important to note that pregnant women and young children should limit consumption of some of the above due to heavy metal contamination. Its always best to consult with your doctor.

If seafood isnt your thing, you can try these plant-based omega-3 sources:

You can also chat with your doctor about adding an omega-3 supplement to your daily routine. Fish oil is popular, but there are vegan alternatives as well.

Without making this sound like high school chemistry class, quercetin is a flavonoid found in plants. Its powerful antioxidant and antihistamine properties flight inflammation and histamine in the body, helping to preventing eczema flare-ups.

Some options include:

Along with incorporating these foods into your diet, you may want to talk to your doctor about taking a quercetin supplement.

Probiotics are living microorganisms that provide numerous health benefits. These beloved digestive aids not only keep your gut health in check, but they may help curb eczema flare-ups.

Here are some staples to include in your diet:

If fermented food isnt your thing, try adding probiotics in capsule form.

Have a known food allergy but continue to eat it anyway? That may be triggering your eczema. Or maybe you have an unknown food intolerance. Common allergies include:

Artificial ingredients and processed foods may also exacerbate eczema. These include:

These additives can upset your digestive and immune systems, triggering inflammation, and you guessed it eczema. Sugar is also no bueno if you have eczema.

Sugar causes insulin and blood sugar levels to spike, which can result in inflammation. Especially refined sugar like in most pastries and snacks.

High-fat diets like keto and its older brother Atkins can lead to chronic inflammation, and are best avoided if you have eczema.

If youre experiencing a rash while on the keto diet, you may be experiencing the keto rash. Symptoms include:

Its best to talk to your doctor if youre suffering from a rash while on keto. It might just be the keto rash, but this fatty diet may also be unearthing a predisposition to eczema.

Remember, theres more than one way to lose weight, so its best to choose a diet that gives your body the nutrients it needs. Your doctor or, even better, a nutritionist will be happy to help you create an anti-inflammatory diet that works for you.

The dyshidrotic diet is geared toward those with dyshidrotic eczema, which usually affects the hands and feet, while an elimination diet is for those who are still figuring out what foods are triggering symptoms.

Dyshidrotic eczema is often triggered by foods with higher levels of nickel and cobalt. Eating metal sounds scary, but nickel and cobalt are actually often found in soil, so residual traces are commonly found in food.

While generally harmless, you may want to avoid:

Vitamin C is a natural combatant of dyshidrotic eczema, as it helps to prevent metal absorption. Foods high in vitamin C include:

Eczema flare-ups usually occur 6 to 24 hours after a trigger food is consumed. If you arent sure whats causing your flare-ups, your doctor may want to put you on an elimination diet.

Simply put, you stop consuming the food(s) commonly linked to eczema. After a time, you slowly reintroduce each food, in order to test your bodys reaction, so you can decide whether to banish it for good.

For best results, try eliminating one food at a time.

Eczema is commonly experienced by those with celiac disease and other gluten intolerances. Some common symptoms of celiac disease include:

Literally no one wants to break up with bread for good. But the good news is, there are countless gluten-free bread alternatives made with oatmeal, quinoa, rice, or corn.

As a friendly reminder, many pre-packaged gluten-free products are higher in saturated fats, which may also trigger your eczema.

There are many potential triggers for eczema, and food is one of them. Identifying food triggers takes patience and dedication, but its worth it to get that itch under control.

Its a good idea to consult your doctor before making any big dietary changes. Focus on a healthy diet of whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and moderate amounts of healthy fats.

See more here:
Eczema Diet: Best Foods, Worst Foods, Special Diets, and More

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