Exilis Proves to Be the Most Effective Treatment for Body Shaping and Non-Surgical Fat Reduction at Precision …

Posted: Published on August 30th, 2014

This post was added by Dr. Richardson

(PRWEB) August 29, 2014

Lisa A Zdinak, MD, medical director of Precision Aesthetics, was the first to introduce Exilis to New York. She discovered the machine at the Anti Aging and Aesthetic Medicine Show in Monte Carlo, a number of years ago. Exilis is manufactured in the Czech Republic. For many years Precision Aesthetics was the sole provider of Exilis in New York. More recently a few of the other top doctors in New York have discovered it.

Precision Aesthetics has focused its practice on non-surgical and minimally invasive solutions that approach the results of surgical solutions. Because of its focus it has evolved into New Yorks leading provider for body shaping and non-surgical fat reduction. Precision Aesthetics offers a variety of machines for different problems. Those machines include, Thermage for loose or sagging skin, Illumiwave Lipocontour 635, for overall fat reduction, Carboxytherapy for stretch marks and Acoustic Wave for cellulite. Sometimes machines are used in unique combination to get greater results for one problem, or they are combined because there are a number of different problems. Specific problems are also treated with the machine that is best for that problem. There is also quite a bit of crossover in what the machines can accomplish. For example, Thermage does achieve fat reduction, cellulite reduction, and reduces loose skin, in one treatment. Given the profile of Thermage, its no surprise that International clientele and those in entertainment prefer it. But Exilis is better for non-surgical fat reduction and acoustic wave is better for cellulite. Although they can work together each machine does excel at one thing. In addition the other factor that has to be considered is the patients availability for a procedure consisting of multiple treatments.

For many of the patients who live in New York and have the time for a series of treatments, Exilis is the best choice. But to reiterate, if its only cellulite, Acoustic wave is better and for only loose skin Thermage might be a better choice. Obviously the nuances demand and in person consult, although many patients actually think they understand it because they saw one presentation by a manufacturer. Manufacturers trying to drive patient demand by directly educating patients are clearly contributing to confusion and a perception that patients can self diagnose without ever being seen. In summary, considering the fact that Exilis reduces fat, tightens skin, contours the body, and reduces wrinkles its no wonder its the more popular machine amongst New Yorkers. The machine is designed in a way that allows the operator to literally use the hand piece for body shaping. Exilis also has the ability to treat multiple areas for fat reduction on the face and body. Finally an Exilis treatment is actually pleasant, whereas a few of the other machine treatments are painful.

Precision Aesthetics is located on 74th St a few steps off of Central Park West. Its newly designed boutique like setting is popular amongst those for whom discretion is paramount. In fact in order to maintain the highest level of privacy there is no sign indicating the doctors office either on the building, on the door to the suite, or even on the mailbox, for the ultimate in secrecy. To learn more about body shaping and non surgical fat loss with Exilis go here http://www.precisionaestheticsmd.com/services-exilis-nonsurgical-fat-reduction.html

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Exilis Proves to Be the Most Effective Treatment for Body Shaping and Non-Surgical Fat Reduction at Precision ...

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