Hudson Valley Scoliosis | Exercise-based Scoliosis Treatment

Posted: Published on November 20th, 2016

This post was added by Dr. Richardson

The Scoliosis CLEAR treatment system that helped thousands of Scoliosis sufferers reduce their condition and take back control of their lives. Scoliosis is a scary and traumatic condition.

You find out that your spine is curving too much and the problems can only get worse as you get older.

The only Scoliosis treatment options presented to you are not very satisfying you can either:

1. Watch & Wait / Do nothing and hope the Scoliosis doesnt get worse

2. Wear an ineffectivebrace for 23 hours per day that at best will only stabilize the condition and sometimes can make the Scoliosis worse

3. Undergo invasive Scoliosis surgery to fuse metal rods to your spine, with high risk for dangerous complications

But what you dont know is that these options only treat the symptoms of Scoliosis and not the real cause of Scoliosis.

You could suffer from Scoliosis pain your whole life without ever knowing that there is an alternative treatment for Scoliosis that has been proven effective to reduce Scoliosis curves and pain because it fixes the real cause of Scoliosis.

How could that be possible?

Let me tell you a quick story about how Wendy spent 30 years of her life suffering from Scoliosis pain, but after just one week of the Scoliosis CLEAR treatment system experienced more pain relief than ever before (click to play video)

Wendy was diagnosed with Scoliosis at the age of 17.

Her doctor said she had a curve of 23 degrees and her scoliosis was not severe enough to warrant treatment.

Wendy and her parents were thrilled that she wouldnt have to wear an outdated brace.

Everything went great until Wendy was in her late 20s and had a sudden bout of excruciating pain.

The pain was so bad that she couldnt stand up or even support her own body weight.

She went back to the doctor and found out that her Scoliosis had worsened to a severe 47 degrees.

Wendy was desperate and visited countless doctors, therapists, and chiropractors over the next 30 years. But nothing worked to ease her pain and suffering from Scoliosis.

Her husband begged if there was anything he could do to help her but there was nothing. Wendy cried herself to sleep at night because she felt so powerless to stop the scoliosis pain in her own body.

This Scoliosis pain tormented Wendy from her late 20s all the way until she turned 50 years old.

Thats when Wendy heard about the CLEAR Scoliosis Treatment system and her husband insisted that she at least give it a try.

Wendy showed up in my Hudson Valley Scoliosis practice and after one week of my intensive Scoliosis treatment she had more pain relief than the previous 30 years of doctors, therapists, and chiropractors combined.

But dont take my word for it listen to Wendys inspirational story yourself in the video above to see how she gained the power to beat her Scoliosis pain and take back control of her life.

Dr. Strauss BS, MS, DC

My journey to becoming a chiropractor came from a personal experience of chiropractics healing power. My health was destroyed as a young child by regular and severe chest pains. My family consulted traditional medical specialists but nothing worked to get relief for my pain.

It wasnt until my family ignored traditional medicine and tried chiropractic medicine that I experienced a phenomenal total cure of these debilitating pains. From that point on I made the decision to devote my life to spreading the health restoring benefits of this amazing healing art, chiropractic.

I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biology with honors from the University of New Hampshire in 1978. I then went on to study chiropractic at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa, the worlds oldest and largest chiropractic college I graduated with honors in 1982.

In addition post graduate studies have included advanced studies in various physical therapies, manipulation under anesthesia, cold laser acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, clinical nutrition, foot orthotics, radiology and of course spinal biomechanics which eventually resulted in my scoliosis work over the past 35 years. Over the past decade, I have worked closely with Dr Woggon and CLEAR Scoliosis Institute to gain their highest level of certification.

I am married to Eleanor. We have two daughters and a son.

Ive seen the physical and emotional trauma caused by Scoliosis, and have made it my mission to treat and reduce Scoliosis cases without the use of braces or surgery whenever possible. My practice, the Hudson Valley Scoliosis Correction Center, offers conservative and natural healing concentrating on the treatment of spinal postural distortions.

My staff and I utilize a variety of Chiropractic techniques, an American science over 100 years old, modern applications of Chinese medicine, which dates to over 3000 years old, and clinical nutrition wellness practices which have stood the test of time. This combined with cutting edge strategies developed by CLEAR Scoliosis Institute are providing dramatic help to scoliosis sufferers.

These new techniques work so well because they target the root cause of Scoliosis rather than just treat the symptoms. By seeking to maximize the natural strengths of the body and its capacity to heal itself I am able to help without the use of drugs, bracing or surgery.

Ive found that traditional medicine most commonly recommends dealing with Scoliosis symptoms in the following three ways none of which actually treat the underlying cause of Scoliosis.

It is common practice for doctors to recommend observing mild scoliosis curves, sometimes called watch and wait, which means once the scoliosis is discovered, it is re-x-rayed until it passes a 30 degree curve at which point it then becomes a candidate for either bracing (does not work) or surgery (also in long run very detrimental).

Watch and Wait is not a scoliosis treatment, it is just doing nothing and hoping the scoliosis wont get worse (it will).

Many times Ive had patients come into my practice and say it was just a mild scoliosis curve until all of a sudden it just took off and progressed over 35 degrees and now my doctor is recommending scoliosis spinal fusion surgery.

Below is the progression of untreated scoliosis from mild 6 degree curve to severe 43 degree curve in just 4 years.

Though it is rare for scoliosis to present with pain in adolescence, pain is a common symptom of adult scoliosis. The patients in my office receiving adult scoliosis treatment all say the same thing, they were told they had scoliosis as children and teens and advised to watch & wait. Then around middle age, sometimes sooner, they begin to experience back pain, hip pain, or other symptoms only to discover that scoliosis is the underlying culprit.

The longer you wait, the worse the curve gets. Once skeletal maturity is reached, a patient with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is now said to have Adult Idiopathic Scoliosis. There would typically be a slow increase (about 0.5-2 degrees per year) in the curvature that began during teenage years in an otherwise healthy individual which is progressive during adult life. Where does that put you 10 years from now? 30 years from now?

Never accept a recommendation of doing nothing when the condition could result in you or your child needing a highly invasive scoliosis spinal fusion surgery.

You need to do something now to stop scoliosis progression.

All severe scoliosis curves have one thing in common: they started out as mild curves and progressively got worse.

Jo-Ann didnt wait around for her daughters scoliosis to get any worse, and proactively came to Hudson Valley Scoliosis for treatment.

Watch her testimonial video:

The doctor said its not bad, dont worry about the scoliosis and make an appointment to follow up in 6-8 months.

We went back and they checked it and my daughters curve had progressed from 13 degrees to 19 degrees. I was really shocked to see in that short amount of time that someones back could get that bad. And it was really upsetting as a parent.

I just didnt feel right about waiting around and not taking any course of action.

So my husband and I went home and searched online and stumbled onto Hudson Valley Scoliosis.

Its the best thing that ever happened to our family, its been fantastic coming here.

The results we are getting are remarkable and we couldnt be happier, honestly.

Her childs spine was stabilized and the curves were reduced 30% through pubertal growth. Her child is able to maintain her spine with a home exercise program.

OutdatedScoliosis Braces That Dont Even Work

For over 500 years the scoliosis back brace has been around yet until very recently there has beenno definitive evidence of its effectiveness. The goal of scoliosis bracing was alwaysstabilization, not correction and all too often, a scoliosis brace even fails at that.Scoliosis braces like the Boston Brace, Milwaukee Brace, Providence Brace, Charleston Brace, or the many TLSO braces that are available at hospitals around the world are ill fitting and seek to lock the scoliosis into its distortion. This is similar to what a cast does to a broken arm, lock it in place. This does not work with scoliosis and is seen by many as just a waiting room for surgery.

Most scoliosis braces are not designed to correct curves, a scoliosis brace will attempt to hold the spine in place so the curve doesnt get any worse. To this end many types of scoliosis back brace need to be worn for 23 hours a day, 7 days a week, for years on end.

The goal of scoliosis bracing is to reduce forces acting upon the spine to discourage the vertebrae from twisting further. It attempts to do this by reducing the forces of gravity acting upon those vertebrae. However, the main source of pressure and force acting upon the bones of the spine is not gravity, but the intrinsic core musculature of the spinal column. A scoliosis brace immobilizes the muscles and the discs, this weakens the supporting muscles, and can actually result in a further progression of the scoliosis condition.

A new type of brace has been recently released that I do use in exceptional cases. I use the brace in approximately 15-20% of cases that I treat.

A peer reviewed study published in 2007, (evaluating the older styles of braces like the Boston and Milwaukee bracing systems) in the SPINE journal, compared 15 separate scoliosis brace studies with 3 observation-only studies and stated:

The controversy over the effectiveness of bracing is somewhat misleading. Most information you read online will be referring to the older brace systems and NOT the modern brace designs. You will never find any doctor in the world claiming that these older bracing systems will reduce or correct scoliosis;rather, the debate is over whether or not wearing that type ofbrace will prevent the scoliosis from getting worse. When doctors state that bracing works, what theyre really saying is that it stabilizes the scoliosis, keeping it at its current position. Most doctors will insist that bracing does work with proper compliance. Recommended compliance is to wear the scoliosis back brace twenty-three hours per day, every day, for many years. If this seems a little extreme to you, youre not alone.

In a study published in the American Journal of Orthopedics, 60% of the patients surveyed felt that bracing had handicapped their life, and 14% felt it had left a psychological scar. The Childrens Research Center in Dublin, Ireland, has not recommended bracing as a scoliosis treatment since 1991, stating,

If bracing does not reduce the proportion of children with AIS [adolescent idiopathic scoliosis] who require surgery for cosmetic improvement of their deformity, it cannot be said to provide a meaningful advantage to the patient or the community.

Yes, there is a time when bracing is necessary, but this is rare when using the effectivemethods of exercise-based treatment programs.

This young girl gave up scoliosis bracing when she found the CLEAR Intensive Scoliosis treatment and never looked back.

Watch her testimonial video here:

I was wearing the scoliosis brace for a year and a half from 6th grade to 7th grade. It was rough I didnt like wearing the brace to school. I hated the way I was different. I couldnt bend down to pick up a pencil without the lines of the brace showing through my shirt and people asking whats that? I couldnt play sports with the brace.

My dad was searching online and found out about Hudson Valley Scoliosis and there were positive reviews. We were like ok this could work and we really had no other option.

I was recommended to have surgery but we DID NOT want surgery at all. That was not even an option for us.

You come here (to Hudson Valley Scoliosis) and you just do your exercises everyday and youll be fine. Its really convenient and way better than braces or surgery.

My upper curve got reduced significantly and so did my lower curve. I was able to experience more agility with my sports so its been a big help. I feel freer.

Definitely I would say try this over anything else because youll definitely see more positive results. This really had positive results for me.

Scoliosis Surgery Scar

The most common scoliosis surgery is highly invasive and requires doctors to make a large incision down the back and spread open the ribs. One or more steel rods are inserted, along with pins and pieces of bone to secure the remaining bones and fuse the spine into place in an attempt to prevent it from curving further. It is then followed by a long, painful recovery period that leaves patients with very large scars. A 2002 German study on the long-term quality of life for idiopathic scoliosis patients who had received Harrington instrumentation reported 40% of operated treated patients with idiopathic scoliosis were legally defined as severely handicapped persons.

And whats even worse? The scoliosis surgery often leads to complications, and the metal rods themselves can break.

2 radiographs of an individual with broken Harrington rods.

These x-rays show Harrington rods that bent and broke while still inside the patients body. Many surgeons will refuse to operate on this condition, leaving the patient with few options to alleviate their pain & suffering.

There are many horror stories of complications following Scoliosis surgery. Here are just a few but you can find many more searching online:

My dad has had metal rods in his back since 1995. They are horrible. He is in so much more pain than before and now every doctor says there is nothing they can do for him b/c the rods can never come out. I am trying to get him into the mayo clinic but so far havent had any luck. He lives in constant pain. Orthopedics Forum Broken Harrington Rod

I had/have been having a lot of back pain. Last summer I went back to the dr. that did the surgery. That is when I found out that my rod is broken. I dont know when it happened. I just know I have constant pain in my shoulder blade on up. So, unfortunately, yes the rod can break. But, I do not know the solution. National Scoliosis Fondation Forums

My daughter had her titanium Harrington rods removed on May 24th. She was two years post injury, and had constant, deep pain in her lower back. She was also constantly nauseated, making it difficult to eat. CareCure Forums Removal of Harrington Rods

I was told the best they could do as a last resort would be to to cut off pieces at each end of the break. To keep the broken halves from banging into each other.The rods were grafted/fused to my back using pieces of my hip.I was told to remove them would be extremely difficult and there was a good chance Id be worse off afterward. Spina Bifida Connection Support Forum-Broken Harrington Rod Pics

Scoliosis surgery is one of the longest and most complicated orthopedic surgical procedures performed on children. It is also performed on adults, though not as frequently. When bracing is deemed ineffective or the scoliosis continues to progress after the patients growth is complete or after puberty has started, surgery is typically prescribed to stop the curves progression (see corresponding article on scoliosis bracing). Surgery may even be prescribed sooner if the curve progression rate is rapid during a short period of time. Surgery is typically recommended for adolescents and adults whose growth is complete and whose curve is at least 40 to 50 degrees. Scoliosis surgery is sometimes even suggested for an adult with a curve of less than 40 degrees if the scoliosis brace has failed and they are in a lot of pain. Below is a video corrective surgery for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.


So if these scoliosis surgeries are dangerous, why do they keep getting prescribed by doctors, surgeons, and insurance companies?

Scoliosis Surgery Scar

The answer is simple: Follow the money.

First, many healthcare professionals are not aware of the scientific literature that details the negative side effects of the scoliosis surgery procedure. Also, very little follow-up with the patient is performed after the operation. Many surgeons believe that the surgeries they perform are beneficial to the patient because no one has returned to their office after the operation to inform them otherwise. Doctors are desperate to meet their patients demands for their scoliosis treatment but have no good options besides prescribing bracing (which, at best, only slows or stops progression, and at worst, actually worsens the scoliosis by weakening the postural muscles), or performing the surgery.

Obviously, if surgeons stop performing this surgery, they stand to lose a great deal of money. Alternative scoliosis treatment methods are simply not explored by the established medical community because of the possibility that they may prove to be more effective and less costly, thereby eliminating the need to treat scoliosis surgically, and also their source of income.

The insurance companies know that research states 40% of operated scoliosis patients are legally defined as permanently handicapped for the rest of their lives; in such an event, the insurance companys financial responsibility for that patient is terminated, and federal Social Security & Disability programs are responsible for covering all medical expenses. There is nothing more important than your health and insurance should not be a criteria for getting care. You need to do whats best for you and your family.

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Hudson Valley Scoliosis | Exercise-based Scoliosis Treatment

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