I-Team: Prescription drug abuse an epidemic

Posted: Published on April 26th, 2013

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

April 25, 2013 (WLS) -- There may be a drug addict in your house and you may be their supplier. Federal authorities call it an epidemic.

Prescription drug abuse is causing overdoses and turning regular people into criminals.

Popping painkillers, becoming addicted and then taking extreme measures to get more pills. Prescription drug overdoses now outnumber those of heroin and cocaine combined.

David Reveles is a student at Elmhurst College. At age 14, the star wrestler began smoking marijuana and quickly moved on to prescription drugs.

"Six months after my first marijuana use I dabbled into other stuff I don't even remember what I was doing, whatever I could get my hands on," he said.

Reveles struggled through high school, in and out of nine treatment centers

Thanksgiving 2004, an 18-wheeler hit Cheryl Edwards' car. She fractured her neck and soon became addicted to prescription painkillers.

"You take pain pills for a length of time and when you go through withdrawals, that causes pain," she said. "Withdrawals cause pain. So, naturally you're going to think I'm in pain and I need a pain pill.

"When you are desperate like that and you need something, I looked at pills as my life line, I needed them. And I really expected everyone around me to understand that I had to have those to operate, to function."

Edwards says she continually put herself and her family at risk.

I-Team: Prescription drug abuse an epidemic

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