In Vitro Fertilization & IVF Treatment in New York, NY :: CHR

Posted: Published on July 9th, 2014

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

David Barad, MD, one of CHR's experts in vitro fertilization, discusses why individualization is crucial in order to achieve the highest IVF treatment success rate for each patient.

The Center for Human Reproduction (CHR), located in New York, NY, was one of the first in vitro fertilization (IVF) centers in the United States and has been recognized as one of the best IVF centers in the world. Since 1981, more than 17,000 pregnancies have been achieved at our center using in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART). The CHR experts work closely with women and couples undergoing the many different types of IVF cycle protocols. We are renowned for our specialized knowledge and high IVF success rates, even in difficult cases. CHR's expertise in IVF lies in our willingness and ability to individualize our approach to best suit each and every one of our patients, as Dr. Barad explains in the video above.

In an in vitro fertilization procedure, eggs are gathered from the woman's ovaries and mixed with the man's sperm outside the body, usually in a glass dish in a laboratory. "In vitro" comes from Latin and literally means "in glass," a reference to the glass container where fertilization of the egg (oocyte) takes place. (While this is usually a dish, the term " test-tube babies" has become widely used.) The fertilized eggs are then cultivated for a few days and transferred to the woman's uterus.

Couples may benefit from in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment if the any one of the following factors are present:

IVF is offered to patients, when some initial infertility testing to establish the cause of infertility (such as a sperm count, a few hormone tests and an evaluation of the uterine cavity) indicates that IVF is an appropriate treatment approach.

Hormone Suppression

Medications are administered over the course of about 21 days to suppress normal ovarian function

Ovarian Stimulation

Injectable fertility medications are administered for 8-12 days to stimulate the woman's ovaries to mature multiple eggs

Egg Collection and Fertilization

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In Vitro Fertilization & IVF Treatment in New York, NY :: CHR

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