McKnight named A&M’s head of Biology

Posted: Published on May 9th, 2014

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Texas A&M has a new head of its Department of Biology.

The university announced this week that Thomas McKnight, a researcher in both plant molecular and cell biology, will lead the department, which he has worked in for 29 years. McKnight has served as associate head of the department since 2003.

McKnight has outlined several priorities for A&M biology, including strengthening faculty mentoring and recognition efforts as well as promoting biology as a vibrant and viable career choice for both current and prospective students.

Biology is the central life science, and our faculty is involved in many collaborative research projects with other units across campus, McKnight said in a press release. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping this wonderful group of creative and inquisitive scientists reach the next level.

See original here:
McKnight named A&M's head of Biology

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