Practical Insights on the Changing Spectrum of Biologic Agents for the Treatment of Patients With Psoriatic Disease – Managed Markets Network

Posted: Published on May 24th, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

Jerry Bagel, MD, director of the Psoriasis Treatment Center of New Jersey, sheds light on the clinical utility of newer classes of biologic agents in the management of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

Bagel: Lets imagine that 12 years ago, in June 1, an 18-year-old boy comes into your office with bad psoriasis. Most likely, 3 months later, that 18-year-old boy is going to matriculate to college, and that moderate-to-severe psoriasis will have a major impact on his quality of life for the next 4 years, increasing his amount of anxiety, depression, and probably ability to focus in school. It will interfere with having good interpersonal relationships, and with his sexual activity and development. Flash forward to 2020, and that same person comes into my office on June 1. Now, with the availability of an interleukin (IL)-17 agent, there is a 50% chance that he will go to school clear, totally clear, and have a 90% chance that his quality of life will not be impacted during the course of his 4 years at college. He will be able to develop like other kids, without a skin disorder. Thats just one aspect in which the quality of life has improved significantly for patients with the advent of the highly efficacious IL-17 biologic agents.

AJMC: What is the prevalence of overlap among disease states that fall under psoriatic disease? What implications does this have for treatment with biologic agents?

Bagel: With psoriasis, to start, we have plaque psoriasis; scalp psoriasis, which is very difficult to treat with topical therapy; palmar plantar psoriasis, which is very difficult to treat with some older biologic agents; and psoriatic arthritis (PsA). In addition, theres psoriasis of the nails; people who have 8% of body surface area significant in psoriatic nail involvement have a quality of life just as poor as that of somebody with 15% body surface area involvement and no nail involvement.

The IL-17 drug class has had a major impact in improving these conditions. For instance, 50% of an individuals scalp can be clear within 12 weeks of beginning a biologic agent. We can have a significant improvement in PsA, comparable to the efficacy of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors; data show an inhibition of radiographic progression of joint destruction with both TNF inhibitors and IL-17s. In addition, in the past, maybe 25% of people could improve palmar plantar disease, but now about 50% of people can get clear or almost clear with the worst palmar plantar disease. We can get almost clear nails in more than 50% of people, as well.

Also, it is worth considering that patients with psoriatic disease are at an increased risk of metabolic disease, ie, an increase in obesity, diabetes. These may be related to the disease itself. Some data have shown that by decreasing the amount of proinflammatory markers that worsen psoriasis as well as cardiovascular disease, you can get psoriasis down and the inflammation down, and you probably can decrease cardiovascular events like heart attacks and stroke as well.

AJMC: How does the term psoriatic disease influence your understanding of disease states as part of the spectrum?

Bagel: We understand psoriasis as a multisystemic disease. It can involve an increase of TNF in the skin, an increase of ILs in the skin as well as in the cerebral spinal fluid of people who are depressed and anxious. There could be a correlation among the physical manifestations of the disease and the anxiety, depression, and even suicidal ideations that goes along with the disease state. And data have shown that [when] psoriasis [improves physically, that] can lead to better anxiety and depression scores. Thus, we can deal with patients psychological and emotional health by helping their psoriatic skin.

AJMC: As biological therapies have proliferated, how has your approach to treating patients with psoriatic disease changed?

Bagel: First, we began using less ultraviolet light and more biologic agents, because we realized that coming in for phototherapy 3 times a week for 12 weeks is inconvenient and we had better outcomes with the biologic agents. I think a greater change was recognizing that most of these biologic agents were FDA-approved for PsA, and that phototherapy, topical therapy, and even methotrexate and cyclosporine did not have the impact on preventing joint destruction as the new biologic agents did. So, our first question after looking at someone with skin involvement was about their joints: stiffness in fingers or toes, swelling of joints, dactylitis, swelling of an entire digit. We started asking about these symptoms to try to determine the best way to go in terms of treatment.

If patients have PsA, certain biologics would be better. Even now, with ustekinumab, which is FDA approved for psoriasis and PsA, 1 shot can be given every 12 weeks and it really helps about 45% to 50% of people. Plus, it doesnt seem like there is any cumulative toxicity, which is what we are finding with most biologic agents. In long-term safety data at year 1, year 2, year 3, year 4, year 5, we dont see an increase in serious infections, and when they are used as a monotherapy, the malignancy rate seems to be pretty comparable to that of patients who are not on biologic agents.

AJMC: What are some factors you consider during treatment selection?

Bagel: If a patient has a history of recurring infectionssuch as upper respiratory infection, bronchitis, pneumonia, urinary tract infectionsthey might not be a great candidate for biologic agents. The reason is that biologics are immunosuppressive, which increases the risk of infection. Similarly, I wouldnt put somebody who has a history or a family history of demyelination, or of congestive heart failure, on TNF inhibitors. Analogously, there seems to be some controversy about inflammatory valve disease with IL-17 inhibition, so if somebody has a personal or family history of ulcerative colitis or Crohn disease, an IL-17 agent would clearly not be my first choice. However, if someone has had a malignancy, it is worth noting that investigators did allow people in clinical trials who had malignancies 5 years ago or more. So, some data show that you can put people with malignancies on an IL-17 agent, whereas with TNF inhibitors or ustekinumab, no one enrolled in clinical trials had malignancies, other than a basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma.

AJMC: To what extent does benefits design affect treatment selection regarding the use of biologic therapies in patients with psoriatic disease?

Bagel: Many patients on Medicare do not have access to biologic agents, and I find that prejudicial against the elderly population. Outside of Medicare, some prescription plans require utilizing one drug versus the other, and sometimes its OK and sometimes its not. If its not OK, clinicians should talk to the medical director of the insurance plan about why they need one biologic over the other. Some insurance plans require that people fail either phototherapy or acitretin or methotrexate or cyclosporine prior to going on biologics, so certain barriers are associated with access to biologic therapy. The problem is that most drugs that you use first work best, so if you didnt use the best drug first, its not going to work as well. Why wouldnt you want to use the best drug first, to get the best benefit for the long term, so that you dont have to switch and start over with a new loading dose that is more expensive? For instance, ustekinumab works 71% of the time in biologic-nave individuals and 62% of the time in biologic-experienced individuals. I do believe that with a more highly efficacious drug, youre best off using it first instead of waiting around to see if maybe theyll work in the second round.

AJMC: How would you characterize IL-17 inhibitors compared with TNF inhibitors and other biologic agents with different mechanisms?

Bagel: When you look at the PsA data about the TNF inhibitor adalimumab and the IL-17 inhibitor ixekizumab, the efficacy data are comparable. If you look at the psoriasis efficacy data, izekizumab is probably 50% to 60% more effective. Regarding adverse effects, with ixekizumab comes concerns regarding inflammatory bowel disease, whereas with adalimumab concerns should be for demyelination and congestive heart failure; they both are associated with increased risk of infections. So, looking at the data, the IL-17 therapies do trump the TNF inhibitors as far as efficacy, and they are rather comparable on safety.

IL-23 inhibitors are given less frequently and have comparable efficacy with TNF inhibitors in psoriasis. However, they are not approved for PsA. Guselkumab is currently under investigation for PsA and so far the phase 2 data look good, although they are still trying to figure out the exact dose. Ustekinumab, which is an IL-12/23 inhibitor, is approved for PsA but it is not as effective as IL-17 agents. IL-23 inhibitors are also not very effective for palmar plantar and nail psoriasis, whereas IL-17 agents have good efficacy in these and other difficult-to-treat areas. Another benefit of IL-17 agents is the time to response. Specifically, IL-17 inhibitors have a higher loading dose than other IL-based agents and may yield a quicker response.

AJMC: What variables do you weigh when selecting among agents in the IL-17 class?

Bagel: Dosing is often very important for patients. For example, secukinumab is 2 shots at week 0, week 1, week 3, and week 4, then 2 shots every 4 weeks. Ixekizumab involves 2 shots at week 0, and 1 shot every other week for 12 weeks, then 1 shot every 4 weeks. Ixekizumab means fewer shots. Efficacy, of course, must also be considered. If you look at brodalumab, although the dosing is every other week, the efficacy is also very high. Plus, the mechanism of action of brodalumab is unique, in that its a receptor binder. I think brodalumab and ixekizumab have comparable efficacies. I know that with brodalumab, we have to look for inflammatory bowel disease, which brodalumab may bring on, but also for depression and suicidal ideations. I now have to ask all my patients about these topics. [That said,] I think people with psoriasis are more at risk for suicidal ideation.

Another variable worth considering is duration of efficacy. With secukinumab, for instance, data show that roughly 75% of patients who are doing well after 1 year of treatment maintain that efficacy over 4 to 5 years. Ixekizumab may lose a little bit of efficacy over time. The reason is that there are neutralizing antibodies with secukinumab or brodalumab or guselkumab, so thats another thing to keep in mind. Psoriasis is not a 12-week disease, so agents with staying powersuch as secukinumab, brodalumab, and guselkumabare noteworthy.

AJMC: With the treatment landscape for psoriatic disease expanding and drug costs rising, can you share your perspective about the evolving managed care spectrum with respect to biologic therapies?

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Practical Insights on the Changing Spectrum of Biologic Agents for the Treatment of Patients With Psoriatic Disease - Managed Markets Network

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