‘Small things every day’ can retrain your brain to cope with stress – Stuff.co.nz

Posted: Published on December 8th, 2019

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

Training our brain to manage stress without using common techniques such as relying on sugar or alcohol is "simple", but not necessarily easy according to neuroscientist, Dr Selena Bartlett.

The first step is learning to recognise the methods you use now to cope with stress that may not be serving you, but that you can learn to "train" yourself away from relying upon.

Bartlett has been mapping the way our brains respond to stress during 25 years as a researcher developing drugs to treat addiction.

The Queensland University of Technology researcher was involved in studies that found our brains often cope with stress and trauma through addictive behaviour such as smoking and over-consuming sugar and alcohol.

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Our brains often cope with stress and trauma through addictive behaviour including heavy drinking.

"People are just using alcohol and sugar as a medication, and I was like 'I can't keep designing a medication for a medication'," explains Bartlett, "so basically now my lab looks at the capacity of using neuroplasticity which is the ability of the brain to change itself to help to reduce the impact of that stress and trauma on the brain ... and [to] use the power of the brain to drive in healthy habits."

Historically, scientists believed the brain's potential was fixed, and people were stuck with whatever we inherited. Advances in brain imaging technology have led to the understanding that our brains come wired in many ways but they also have the capacity for change.

This means we can teach our brains to become more resilient by using the principles of neuroplasticity; and teach ourselves to take a healthy path to stress-management rather than relying on substances.

"There's path A and path B," she says, of stress-management. "Path B is the one where you'll drink yourself stupid because it's medication and it solves the problem in the short term (in the long-term it's actually making your brain even more stressed) or we take path A which is simple but not easy.


Research shows that while our brains may be wired one way, we can actively change that wiring.

"What are the things we can do to help people take path A? The first step is recognising there actually is a path A." Path A involves recognising stress and making healthier decisions about how to cope.

Only when we start to become aware of our automatic, often unhealthy, responses to stress, can we start to rewire them. This is because creating even the most basic healthy change takes time and lacks the instantfeedback and immediate rewards of alcohol or sugar or cigarettes.

"But you can actually physically change the brain by doing small things every day, like how you wake up in the morning, what you eat, the exercise that you do, sleep and water," Bartlett says.

Sugar, for example, binds to our hypothalamus, which is responsible for appetite among other things, and inhibits the release of two peptides that make us feel full, ghrelin and leptin.

Prolonged over-consumptionof sugar, Bartlett says, also acts on the emotional part of the brain, the amygdala, in a way that makes the brain more reactive to stress.

Understanding that our brains process negative over positive information, because they are wired to survive and watch for threat, also helps.

"Gratitude works, when you wake up in the morning, to set up your brain in a positive direction so it will now take in more positive information rather than negative information ... that's what it's doing from a brain perspective," Bartlett says.

Reducing her sugar intake and starting her day by thinking of three things she was grateful for were among the small changes Bartlett made when she was "super stressed out" raising children, experiencing a marriage breakdown and running an alcohol-and addiction-research institution at the University of California.


Excessive sugar intake prevents the release of peptides which tell us we are full.

"Because I've been studying the brain for so long I recognised what was going on, so I started on the pathway of doing simple things every day," says Bartlett.

After beginning her day with gratitude, Bartlett, who recently won her age group triathlon having only started running as a 48-year-old, "immediately" puts on her running gear to exercise.

Simple changes have transformed her capacity to cope with stress, she says: "I'm the happiest I've been. I can still get triggered by things, because we all do, that's life money, children, jobs, stress but I know how to handle it in a way that I'm in control of it whereas before I be waking up all night worrying."


See more here:

'Small things every day' can retrain your brain to cope with stress - Stuff.co.nz

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