Student plans special concert to raise awareness of eye disease

Posted: Published on March 18th, 2015

This post was added by Dr. Richardson


A Hellgate High School senior is organizing a concert to raise awareness of a disease that robs some people of their vision.

Emily Graham is putting on the Concert in the Dark to raise awareness of retinitis pigmentosa, an eye disease she was diagnosed with.

To help put the spotlight on this disease there will be periods of blind awareness -- moments the lights are off -- and moments the audience can put on blindfolds.

Graham is asking for donations to raise funds for medical studies.

"I have been very lucky so far with my RP, but most people end up not so lucky. There's always research going on that needs funding, so that's why I decided to keep going with this project."

The concert will be held this Saturday at 7 p.m. at the Dennison Theater.

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Student plans special concert to raise awareness of eye disease

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