The Value of a Knee Injury – Lexology

Posted: Published on January 13th, 2021

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

Back pain is a very common injury. In fact, it is the largest single cause of disability in the UK, with lower back pain alone accounting for 11% of the total disability of the UK population. These significant figures can largely be attributed to normal wear and tear as we get older or a result of sedentary lifestyles.

However, you may have suffered a back injury as a result of an accident such as a trip, slip or fall or lifting a heavy object. Or, you may have been involved in a car accident. If you've been involved in an accident that wasn't your fault and suffered as a result, compensation could be awarded. There is no doubt that a back injury can be a debilitating and long term injury and it is important that the appropriate level of compensation is sought to reflect this.

What would your compensation cover?

If you have suffered a back injury, the amount of compensation a court may award will depend on the severity of the injury and the impact it has had on your life and will continue to have in the future. As back injuries can vary from sprains and strains to nerve root or spinal cord damage in the worst of cases, awards are understandably wide-ranging. The facts and circumstances of each individual case will be assessed. Some of the factors the court will look at when assessing the level of compensation are:

How much could be awarded?

If you have a claim for compensation, how much could you be awarded?

Morton Fraser's Compensation Calculator is a handy guide which can provide you with an indication of the value of your injury. It is based on the Judicial College Guidelines which take account of recent court decisions and serve as a reference point for lawyers when considering compensation. The recommended awards for back injuries are set out below.

What next?

The above guidelines and ourCompensation Calculatorprovide an initial indication of the values a court may award for the 'pain and suffering' you have endured but do not take into account personal losses such as wage loss. Each individual case must therefore be considered on its own facts and circumstances. Our experienced Personal Injury team will take the time to assess your claim and can help you get the compensation you are entitled to. Contact us today on 0131 247 1000 or through our personal injury compensation enquiry form.

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The Value of a Knee Injury - Lexology

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