Watch Harvey up his Game with Hormone Therapy

Posted: Published on November 20th, 2012

This post was added by Dr Simmons

MIAMI, Nov. 19, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- AAG Health & Wellness, a recognized leader in hormone replacement therapy for men, is excited to announce the release of a video that follows the trials and tribulations of a client over the course of his first six month hormone treatment plan.


Watch: Harvey's story. His hormone therapy experience.

The video's subject is a 61 year Miami Beach executive named Harvey who turns to AAG Health for help to get his busy life back on track. After years of declining energy, loss of libido and lack of motivation, Harvey is determined to take action to improve his quality of life and regain peak performance.

"I just got to a point where I said enough is enough. I couldn't keep up with my kids, I wasn't getting results from my workouts, I wasn't paying enough attention to my business and I wanted to get back in the dating scene," explained Harvey, father of 3 children and recently divorced.

The video starts with Harvey going to AAG Health's Age Management center in Miami for his initial evaluation and then goes on to document his progress from month one through month six.

"This is a unique account of how an otherwise healthy man, who is experiencing issues associated with low hormones, reacts to a progressive hormone therapy program that incorporates exercise and good diet," says Frank Welch MD, one of Harvey's treating physicians at AAG Health.

"Harvey came to us wanting to get back the vitality and vigor he had so he could accomplish more. I think we certainly delivered what he was looking for." Dr. Welch continues, "We've treated thousands of men over the past ten years and we're delighted to showcase another success story in this video."

About AAG Health & Wellness

AAG Health & Wellness is the leading nationwide provider of age management medical services that promote hormone medications. Founded in 2003 and headquartered in Miami, FL, AAG Health is a concierge-style medical practice that provides successful mean and women cutting-edge treatment plans that deliver peak performance and higher quality of life. AAG Health has a network of over 25 medical health centers throughout the United States. For more information, visit

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Watch Harvey up his Game with Hormone Therapy

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