What Are The Qualifying Medical Conditions For Cannabis In Your State? – CBD Testers

Posted: Published on April 29th, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

As of April 2020, there are 35 states that have legalized medicinal cannabis to some extent and of course, this varies greatly from state to state.

Despite the federal government keeping cannabis listed as a Schedule 1 narcotic, each state has the authority to create their own laws governing cannabis use within their borders. Most states allow the herb now, but the qualifying conditions that allow patients access to medical cannabis are different in each state. Use our guide to determine whether you qualify for medical cannabis in your home state.

*Recreational cannabis is legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions for cannabis include:

Click here for the full list and for any updates http://www.akleg.gov/basis/Bill/Plaintext/21?Hsid=SB0094E

*Recreational cannabis is NOT legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions for cannabis include:

Any chronic or debilitating condition including but not limited to: cachexia (wasting syndrome), chronic pain, recurring nausea, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Click here for the full list and for any updates http://www.azleg.gov/viewdocument/?docName=http://www.azleg.gov/ars/36/02801.htm

*Recreational cannabis is NOT legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions for cannabis include:

Any chronic or debilitating condition including but not limited to: cachexia (wasting syndrome), chronic pain, recurring nausea, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and peripheral neuropathy.

Click here for the full list and for any updates http://www.healthy.arkansas.gov/Pages/MedMarijuana.aspx

**Recreational cannabis is legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions for cannabis include:

Any other chronic or persistent medical symptom that considerably limits a persons abilities or diminishes their quality of life, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Click here for the full list and for any updates https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=HSC&division=10.&title=&part=&chapter=6.&article=2.5.

*Recreational cannabis is legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions for cannabis include:

Any chronic or debilitating condition including but not limited to: cachexia (wasting syndrome), persistent muscle spasms, seizures, severe nausea, and severe pain, as well as any condition that is approved by a doctor.

Click here for the full list and for any updates https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/qualifying-medical-conditions-medical-marijuana-registry

*Recreational cannabis is NOT legal in this state (although this will be up for a vote soon)

Qualifying medical conditions for cannabis include:

For underage patients:

Click here for the full list and for any updates http://www.ct.gov/dcp/cwp/view.asp?q=509628&dcpNav=%7C

*Recreational cannabis is NOT legal in this state (although this will be up for a vote soon)

Qualifying medical conditions for cannabis include:

Any chronic or debilitating conditions including but not limited to: cachexia (wasting syndrome), severe pain that has not responded to prescribed medication in 3 months, recurring nausea, muscle spasms, and multiple sclerosis.

Click here for the full list and for any updates http://dhss.delaware.gov/dph/hsp/medmarpt.html

*Recreational cannabis is legal in this district

Qualifying medical conditions include:

Any other condition that is chronic, that could benefit from medical cannabis (as determined on a case-by-case basis) and cannot be effectively treated by standard medical practices.

Click here for the full list and for any updates: http://doh.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/doh/publication/attachments/140523MMPRegulationsRevised.pdf

*Recreational cannabis is not legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions for cannabis include:

Click here for the full list and for any updates http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0300-0399/0381/Sections/0381.986.html

*Recreational cannabis is not legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions for cannabis include:

Any chronic or debilitating condition including but not limited to: cachexia (wasting syndrome), severe pain, severe nausea, seizures, muscle spasms, multiple sclerosis, and Crohns disease.

Click here to read the full list and for any updates http://health.hawaii.gov/medicalcannabisregistry/providers/debilitating-medical-conditions/

*Recreational cannabis is legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions include:

Click here for the full list and for any updates http://www.dph.illinois.gov/topics-services/prevention-wellness/medical-cannabis/debilitating-conditions

*Recreational cannabis is NOT legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions include:

Click here for a full list and for any updates list of guidelines http://www.state.ia.us/odcp/docs/CBDFinalFactSheetIowaJune2014.pdf

*Recreational cannabis is NOT legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions include:

Click here for a full list or for any updates http://ldh.la.gov/index.cfm/page/3633

*Recreational cannabis is legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions include:

Sec. 19. 22 MRSA 2423-B

Click here for a full list or for any updates https://legislature.maine.gov/legis/bills/bills_128th/billtexts/HP106001.asp

*Recreational cannabis is NOT legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions include:

Click here for the full list and for any updates http://mmcc.maryland.gov/Pages/patients.aspx

*Recreational cannabis is legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions include:

Any other debilitating condition as determined by a qualified physician.

Click here for the full list and for any updates https://malegislature.gov/Laws/SessionLaws/Acts/2012/Chapter369

*Recreational cannabis is legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions include:

A chronic or debilitating including but not limited to: cachexia (wasting disease), severe and chronic pain, severe nausea, seizures, muscle spasms, and multiple sclerosis.

Click here for the full list or for any updates http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(vxeekwsfu2lon4z4ssftgnjt))/mileg.aspx?page=getObject&objectName=mcl-333-26423

*Recreational cannabis is not legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions include:

Any other medical condition thats approved by the medical commissioner

Click here for the full list or for any updates http://www.health.state.mn.us/topics/cannabis/patients/conditions.html

*Recreational cannabis is not legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions include:

Any other chronic or debilitating medical condition that can benefits from the use of medical cannabis, as determined by a qualified physician.

Click here for the full list or for any updates https://health.mo.gov/safety/medical-marijuana/faqs.php

*Recreational cannabis is NOT legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions include:

Click here for the full list or for any updates http://dphhs.mt.gov/marijuana/mmpfaq#159692088-what-are-the-debilitating-conditions-for-which-i-can-recommend-marijuana-for-my-patients

*Recreational cannabis is legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions include:

Any other chronic or debilitating medical condition that can benefit from the use of medical cannabis, as determined by a qualified physician.

Click here for the full list or for any updates http://dpbh.nv.gov/Reg/MM-Patient-Cardholder-Registry/dta/FAQs/Medical_Marijuana_Patient_Cardholder_Registry_-_FAQs/

*Recreational cannabis is NOT legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions include:

Any other chronic or debilitating medical condition that can benefit from the use of medical cannabis, as determined by a qualified physician.

Click here for the full list or for any updates https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/oos/tcp/medical-conditions.htm

*Recreational cannabis is NOT legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions include:

Any chronic or debilitating condition including but not limited to: cachexia (wasting syndrome), chronic pain, recurring nausea, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and peripheral neuropathy.

Click here for the full list and for any updates http://nj.gov/health/medicalmarijuana/pat_faqs.shtml#7

*Recreational cannabis is NOT legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions include:

Any other chronic or debilitating medical condition that can benefit from the use of medical cannabis, as determined by a qualified physician.

Click here for the full list or for any updates https://nmhealth.org/publication/view/form/135/

*Recreational cannabis is NOT legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions include:

Any other chronic or debilitating medical condition that can benefit from the use of medical cannabis, as determined by a qualified physician.

Click here for the full list or for any updates http://www.health.ny.gov/regulations/medical_marijuana/faq.htm

*Recreational cannabis is NOT legal in this state

Qualifying medical conditions include:

Any other chronic or debilitating medical condition that can benefit from the use of medical cannabis, as determined by a qualified physician.

Click here for the full list or for any updates https://www.legis.nd.gov/assembly/65-2017/documents/17-0630-05000.pdf

*Recreational cannabis is NOT legal in this state

See more here:
What Are The Qualifying Medical Conditions For Cannabis In Your State? - CBD Testers

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