With I-502, will more young adults use pot?

Posted: Published on December 3rd, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Officially, it's still illegal until Thursday and even then you'll be breaking the law if you buy it on the street.

But marijuana is so readily available near Washington college campuses that researchers and students alike are debating just how much Initiative 502 may affect use among young adults already the most frequent users of pot.

Some researchers think more young adults will light up when the drug is no longer legally forbidden to those 21 and older. But students say it's so easy to buy pot in college that anybody who wants to smoke is already doing so.

One-third of Washington's young adults ages 18 to 25 have used marijuana in the past year, according to a national study. They're almost three times more likely than the general population to have used pot in the last year.

An increase in use among young adults "really is hard to predict since we have not had a precedent like this," said Jason Kilmer, assistant director of health and wellness for alcohol and drug education at the University of Washington and a research assistant professor in psychiatry and behavioral sciences.

Washington colleges and universities have been quick to emphasize that pot is still not welcome on campus, no matter what the new state law says. Institutions that receive federal money must keep a drug-free campus, in accordance with federal law that makes pot illegal. And a student caught with marijuana can be subject to disciplinary action, although students say campus police tend to be lenient with first offenders.

One researcher who thinks use will increase is Roger Roffman, a principal supporter of I-502 and a professor emeritus at the UW who has studied marijuana use and dependency for nearly 30 years.

"Here's my guess: Over the next years, we will see greater curiosity about marijuana, among those particularly in that (young adult) age range," Roffman said. "Curiosity will lead more people to use it who otherwise wouldn't have."

That said, he also thinks the initiative will eventually lead to safer use of the drug. He threw his support behind the measure because he believes it will allow the state to do a better job of educating people about its effects and treating those who are dependent.

One federal study also hints at a possible uptick in use among young adults when marijuana becomes legal. In "Monitoring the Future," a national survey that has been taking the pulse of student drug use since 1975, high-school seniors were asked how legalization would affect their attitude toward the drug.

With I-502, will more young adults use pot?

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