Anxiety and Depression symptoms in Italian nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic – DocWire News

Posted: Published on January 26th, 2022

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

This article was originally published here

G Ital Med Lav Ergon. 2021 Dec;43(4):321-327.


Background and Aim. Starting from March 9, 2020, the Italian government has proclaimed a state of health emergency due to the epidemic, which later became a SARSCoV- 2 infection pandemic. The present study aimed to perform differences and any potential risk factors in anxious and depressive symptoms in Italian nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic according to selected sociodemographic variables. Methods. In November 2020 an ad hoc questionnaire was administered online to all Italian nurses. In the first part, a whole series of socio-demographic variables relating to the reference sample were collected, as: gender, the department to which participants belonged, if the respondent suffered from pulmonary or cardiovascular diseases, if the nurse lived alone or with other cohabitants and whether during the pandemic the participant contracted the SARS-CoV-2 infection or not. In the second part of the questionnaire, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale was administered to quickly and easily assess the anxiety and depression levels among the Italian nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic. Results. 732 nurses agreed to participate to this survey. Among participants, 479 (65.3%) recorded an anxious symptomatology and 267 (6.4%) a depressive one. According to anxious symptoms, a significant difference was recorded between females and males (p min 0.001), as females recorded higher mild (24.04%), moderate (23.09%) and severe (13.39%) anxious symptom levels than males (Mild:1.50%; Moderate: 2.46%; Severe: 0.96%). By considering depressive symptoms according to socio demographic variables, only nurses without cardiovascular diseases recorded higher frequencies in mild (21.58%), moderate (8.47%) and severe (2.46%) depressive symptoms than nurses who suffered from a cardiovascular disease (Mild:2.05%; Moderate: 1.64%; Severe: 0.27%). Potential risk factors identified for anxious symptoms were: gender, both for mild (p min 0.001), moderate (p=.008) and severe (p=.003) anxious symptoms, and pulmonary diseases for severe anxious disorders (p=.014). Potential risk factors identified for the onset of depressive symptoms were: gender (p=.026), pulmonary diseases (p=.021), domestic partnership (p=.035), for mild symptoms; the presence of cardiac diseases (p=.006) for moderate symptoms. Conclusions. It urged to begin to further implement all forms of psychological support for nurses and further implementation of university nursing training programs that aim at both the technical and psychological management of the future professional to cope with maxi emergencies.


Originally posted here:
Anxiety and Depression symptoms in Italian nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic - DocWire News

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