How to Stop Armpit Sweat – Stop Excessive Sweating and Hyperhidrosis –

Posted: Published on February 24th, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

With the exception of pro athletes and people who love saunas, most of us live by the motto, Never let them see you sweat. (Fun fact: That came from a 1984 ad campaign for Dry Idea antiperspirant, and yes, thats Carol Burnett!)

Sure, its totally natural Sweats main function is to cool the body, says Dee Anna Glaser, MD, a professor in the department of dermatology at St. Louis University and nothing to be ashamed of. That said, pit stains will never be aspirational, and since being anxious or nervous can stimulate sweat glands to up their output, it makes sense that you wouldnt want to broadcast your emotional state in this particular way.

And if youve got hyperhidrosis the medical term for excessive sweating anywhere on the body the problem is way more than aesthetic. It can profoundly affect someones life it may affect an adults choice of profession or limit opportunities, says Maral Skelsey, M.D., a clinical associate professor of dermatology at Georgetown, as they might need to pick jobs that do not involve speaking in front of a group or shaking hands, or in which they cannot change clothes several times a day. Ive treated teenagers who wont raise their hand in class. One said, I know the answers, but the teacher doesnt know I know, Dr. Glaser added.

We have millions of sweat glands all over our bodies the greatest concentration are in our hands and feet, says Dr. Glaser, but our armpits are another hotspot. Most of these are eccrine glands, which crank out clear, odorless fluid that cools us off when it evaporates. But your pits and your other hairy bits also have apocrine glands, which put out a thicker fluid, also odorless; it's when that fluid interacts with bacteria on your skin that you dont smell too great.

A common myth is that prolific perspirers have more body odor, but thats actually not so. People who sweat a lot dont tend to have a smell, says Dr. Glaser, because the bacteria gets washed away, resulting in no stinkage. Its people who dont sweat that much that may notice more of an odor.

Another misconception? That we sweat out toxins. Sweat consists nearly entirely of water, says Dr. Skelsey. The rest of it, according to the International Hyperhidrosis Society, is salt, urea, and a little bit of carbs and protein. Luckily, our kidneys and liver do a good job of detoxing us.

First off, there are two kinds of hyperhidrosis: primary and secondary, and they have different causes.

The primary variety starts when youre young even toddlers can have super-sweaty hands and feet, but those whose underarms are the primary spots usually show it shortly after puberty or as young adults, says Dr. Glaser. Experts arent sure why some people get hyperhidrosis, but suspect it is genetic, as it can run in families. Because sufferers have normal sweat glands, the theory is that the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that, among other things, tells your glands to produce sweat, is sending these glands a glitchy message.

The secondary kind shows up when theres some change in your body, such as menopause (hello, hot flashes and night sweats!), an underlying medical reason (say, a thyroid or pulmonary condition), or youre on a medication that messes with these same brain signals. Secondary hyperhidrosis tends to lead to more diffuse sweating, i.e., not only from your underarms, and it can show up when youre older, she says.

The condition, which affects an estimated 15.3 million people worldwide, needs to be diagnosed by a doctor, usually a dermatologist, but if you have excessive, disruptive, visible sweating at least once a week for six months or more, those are signs that you may have it, says Dr. Skelsey.

The other big factor is how much your sweating interferes with your functioning and how much youre bothered by it. Some people may objectively sweat buckets, but if its no big deal to them, theres no need to treat it, says Dr. Glaser, who adds that excessive sweating can wax and wane, but doesnt disappear entirely. Some excessive sweaters can manage it on their own most of the time with antiperspirants, but for special occasions (say, theyre a bridesmaid in a wedding and plan to be photographed dancing the night away) theyll seek next-level treatment. If they come to see me about it, its probably really bothering them, she says.

There are a few treatments, each of which has its own pros, cons and side effects.

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Bottom line: Theres no need to suffer in sweaty silence, as there are lot of safe and effective ways to stop the deluge.

How to Stop Armpit Sweat - Stop Excessive Sweating and Hyperhidrosis -

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