IVF reduction for women under 40

Posted: Published on August 4th, 2014

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

IVF reduction for women under 40

7:00am Monday 4th August 2014 in News By Katie Mansfield

WOMEN in their twenties and thirties wanting IVF treatment in Castle Point and Rochford will only get two rounds of the treatment, after changes were agreed without formal public consultation.

The Castle Point and Rochford Clinical Commissioning Group approved plans to reduce the number of IVF cycles from three to two, for women aged 23-39, back in May.

Members also decided to extend access towomen aged 40-42, allowing them one cycle of IVF treatment at the same meeting.

The changes emerged after Southends CCG announced it was planning to change its IVF policy in the same way.

Both policies in Castle Point and Rochford and Southend, go against guidelines set out by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, which suggest women aged 23-39 should be offered three cycles and women aged 40-42 one full cycle, providing certain criteria are fulfilled.

A spokesman for Castle Point and Rochford CCG confirmed a formal consultation did not take place, but members spoke to the public at monthly engagement events across the two areas.

Dr Mike Saad, chairman of NHS Castle Point and Rochford CCG, said: The CCG has taken a decision to extend access to IVF in Castle Point and Rochford, as well as vary what had previously been provided, to bring us more into line with other CCGs across the country.

These are not decisions that have been taken lightly, nor have they been made with costs in mind. In every decision it takes, the CCG applies common sense and clinical expertise to review health provision in the Castle Point and Rochford localities to ensure they are working properly and fairly for the communities we serve.

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IVF reduction for women under 40

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