The Functions of Growth Hormone (GH) – Exploring your Mind

Posted: Published on May 6th, 2023

This post was added by Dr Simmons

GH stimulates infant growth, fulfills certain metabolic tasks, and helps to maintain the youth of tissues and organs throughout our lives. In fact, it's one of the most interesting biological elements in the field of endocrinology.

Last update: 01 May, 2023

Growth hormone (GH) is secreted from somatotroph cells in the anterior pituitary gland. Thanks to this substance, both growth and development are favored. Furthermore, it fulfills certain important metabolic tasks.

In fact, since the functions of this hormone were initially discovered in the 1960s, its become one of the most interesting areas of research in the field of endocrinology. Its also one of the most profitable.

For example, the administration of growth hormone in its synthetic version (somatropin) produced with recombinant DNA technology can treat multiple growth disorders and syndromes. Moreover, its also often used illegally for non-medical purposes. For instance, anti-aging treatments, muscle enhancement, physical resistance, and loss of body fat.

Undoubtedly, GH is an essential element in our biology. Its proper functioning depends on one of the most fascinating brain regions of the brain: the pituitary gland. This is a small structure that tends to decalcify early.

Growth hormone is a protein substance that stimulates infant growth. It also ensures the good health of tissues and organs. But, its not only limited to promoting development. In fact, its present in multiple processes in tasks that generally intervene in the good condition of the bones, muscles, etc. Its also known as the anti-aging hormone.

The discovery of this hormone dates back to 1912. Dr. Harvey Cushing first identified it and highlighted its relevance to skeletal growth. At this time, its relationship was noted in relation to childhood growth disorders. Experts recognized how the deficit in its secretion or its hypersecretion led to diseases and disorders such as acromegaly. This is a disorder that causes gigantism.

Growth hormone is a polypeptide made up of 191 amino acids. Its produced in the pituitary gland and then released into the bloodstream. Its a dynamic substance with multiple functions. Its mechanism of action depends on several factors.

When we reach middle age, the release of GH is reduced. Our physical condition and state of health also have an impact on its correct release. Its main functions are as follows:

As we mentioned earlier, growth hormone is produced in the pituitary gland. However, its important to note that its synthesis is controlled by a complex set of hormones produced in the hypothalamus, the intestinal tract, and the pancreas.

In fact, the release of GH is generated at certain times, especially when were sleeping. Its production is high during childhood and it reaches its peak during puberty. It decreases after middle age.

Abnormalities of growth hormone (GH) production and secretion arent particularly common. That said, theyre almost always associated with genetic problems. In fact, they can cause various disorders, from classic developmental problems to malformations, infections, tumors in the hypothalamus-pituitary region, etc.

One of the best-known diseases associated with excessive secretion of this hormone is acromegaly. Its characterized by the following symptoms:

Today, there are various drugs that contain somatropin or synthetic growth hormone. Research conducted byDr. Linn Goldberg of the University of Oregon (USA) indicates that this substance has great benefits as well as notable risks. This study explains why international drug agencies continually warn about the need to establish surveillance mechanisms for its acquisition.

Growth hormone therapy is used to treat:

Growth hormone is misused when:

Finally, we must bear in mind that the abuse of somatropin or synthetic growth hormone has highly serious adverse effects. For this reason, the drug must only be prescribed by doctors.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

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The Functions of Growth Hormone (GH) - Exploring your Mind

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