COVID-related social isolation associated with high blood pressure – Cardiovascular Business

Posted: Published on November 20th, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

Social isolation during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in more patients arriving at the emergency department (ED) with high blood pressure, according to new findings presented at the Argentine Congress of Cardiology 2020 virtual meeting.

After social isolation began, we observed that more patients coming to emergency had high blood pressure, study author Matas Fosco, MD, of Favaloro Foundation University Hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina, said in a prepared statement. We conducted this study to confirm or reject this impression.

Researchers tracked data from more than 12,000 patients who were treated at the ED of a single facility in Argentina, where a mandatory social isolation policy was put into place on March 20, 2020. During that time, individuals were told to stay at home unless leaving the house to buy food, medicine or other essential supplies. Schools were closed and public events were put on hold.

Overall, the strict isolation periodMarch 20 to June 25was linked to a 37% increase in the odds of patients presenting to the ED with high blood pressure. The average patient age was 57 years old. The most common reasons patients were admitted to the ED were chest pain, shortness of breath, feelings of dizziness, abdominal pain, fever, cough and hypertension.

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COVID-related social isolation associated with high blood pressure - Cardiovascular Business

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