Viral TikTok Video Tells of Incredible Life-Saving Heart Surgery on Unborn Baby – Texas Right to Life

Posted: Published on October 14th, 2022

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

A new viral TikTok video by Dr. Karan Rajan tells the incredible story of a life-saving heart surgery performed on an unborn baby in the womb.

Dr. Rajan details the incredible surgical feat in which an unborn babys growing heart tumor was removed with no damage to either the baby or the mother.

Doctors performed life-saving surgery on a fetus to remove a rare heart tumor that was compressing the heart and causing heart failure, Dr. Rajan explained.

As explained in the video, the surgeons were able to access the babys heart by safely making an incision into the mothers abdomen and uterus. The incision was big enough to get the arms of the fetus out and expose the chest.

Doctors were even able to administer medication to the unborn child directly through a very small cannula inserted in the babys arm.

Then they opened up the rib cage and cut the sack around the heart Finally, the compressing tumor was removed from a beating fetal heart. They then closed the chest and tucked the fetus back into the womb, Dr. Rajan relates.

Incredibly, Dr. Rajan explains that, after closing up the walls of the uterus and then the abdomen, the pregnancy continued as normal and a healthy baby was delivered in ten weeks.

In addition to being a truly wonderful medical feat and a heartwarming story of a saved life, this surgery further proves the humanity of preborn children and debunks the rampant lies from the left.

According to recent statements from the New York Times, Democratic politician Stacey Abrams, and countless other abortion leftists, preborn babies are not human and dont even have a heart.

Stacey Abrams even went so far as to claim that a fetal heartbeat is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a womans body.

Yet, if fetal heartbeats are a manufactured sound, as Abrams and the left claim, then how is this unborn baby receiving life-saving heart surgery? Are we to assume that the removal of this babys heart tumor is also a tool of the patriarchy to control womens bodies?

The New York Times, supposedly one of the most widely respected publications in America, denied the existence of a preborn babys heart calling it just a tube of cardiac cells.

Yet once again, all of the lefts anti-scientific attempts to distract from humanity of preborn babies and the cruelty of abortion have been proved utterly false and baseless.

Preborn babies do not just receive value or dignity when they are wanted or loved. Unborn babies are inherently valuable and worthy of dignity because they are human beings.

The abortion industry and anti-Life politicians are desperately floundering for any argument, ridiculous as it may be, to deny unborn babies are human. But with each advancement in medicine and technology the humanity of preborn children becomes more and more impossible to deny.

The inescapable fact that the left continues to blind itself to is that unborn babies are human and that abortion is not healthcare, but the barbaric destruction of an innocent and helpless human life.

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Viral TikTok Video Tells of Incredible Life-Saving Heart Surgery on Unborn Baby - Texas Right to Life

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