4 Simple Tips to Develop a Healthier and Happier Lifestyle

Posted: Published on September 20th, 2021

This post was added by Jennifer Scott

Image Source: Unsplash

Do you long to wake up each daily feeling energetic and happy, but in reality you feel the exact opposite? While it’s easy to accept the situation is out of your control, there are simple things you can do to make yourself look and feel the best each day. 

Learn to Smile More

Let’s start with the simplest thing you can do, smile! According to research, smiling releases a chemical called neuropeptides which immediately helps fight stress. This starts a domino effect for the release of hormones such as serotonin and dopamine, making us feel happy and reducing heart rate.

We all have that one person who makes us smile no matter what. Call or text them when you’re feeling down. Smiling and laughing are known to be contagious, in a good way. When you see or hear your friend laughing you are bound to do the same.

It is easy to get caught up in a cycle of bad thoughts when you’re under stress. Having a brief moment of smiling can help break through it and promote positive thinking.

Start a Journal

Another effective way to control bad thoughts and stress is to start journaling. A common symptom of stress is the loss of the ability to think clearly and make informed decisions. By penning your thoughts, you allow yourself to focus on key stressors and work towards overcoming them.

Use these tips to start your journal:

  • Set aside a fixed time each day to write. Develop the habit of journaling, and not just when you are stressed.
  • Review what you write every few days to recognize patterns in behavior and common stressors. This enables you to regulate your mood and take preventive steps to avoid future panic attacks.
  • Focus on expressing your thoughts as you see fit, through writing, drawing, or even scribbling on pages. A journal is your personal safe space, hence express using the medium you are most comfortable with.

Develop a Skincare Routine

According to Psychreg, having a skincare routine can reduce stress by up to 80%; primarily for two reasons. First, developing a routine allows you to gain authority over your time and actions, making you feel in control. Second, practicing skincare will lead to cleaner and better-looking skin improving feelings of self-worth and confidence.

Along with these mental health benefits, here are more benefits of skincare:

  • Your skin is exposed to pollution daily which in the long run can lead to dryness and damage. Through skincare, you cleanse your skin of pollutants and allow it to replenish naturally.
  • Good quality skin care products include ingredients such as- Vitamin C, Niacinamide (Vitamin B3), Glycolic acid, Hyaluronic acid, and more. These nourish and skin and are known for their anti-aging properties.

Start your routine by following these three simple steps:

  1. Buy a cleanser to wash your face at least twice a day.
  2. Apply a good-quality moisturizer to nourish your skin and overcome dryness.
  3. Use serums to help regulate oil levels in your skin.

Consider Switching Jobs

According to research, working in an unrewarding work environment can lead to high levels of stress, sleep disturbance, cardiovascular diseases, and more.

Switching jobs can help overcome these negative effects and develop a better work-life balance. Before giving notice, take time to reflect on your career goals and reasons why you plan to switch jobs. Consider applying for freelancing or part-time positions to make more time for your self-care routine.

Additionally, if you plan to look for employment in a new field, pursuing an online master’s degree can be beneficial. As online degrees have numerous enrollment dates in a year, you can start your course at your convenience. Along with paying a lower fee, admission criteria are less strict, allowing you to pursue the degree of your choice, whether it be in visual arts, humanities, or other fields of your choice.

Remember to conduct a thorough research about your institution to ensure they meet the national accreditation standards.

By making these changes you are sure to see a positive change in your mood and attitude towards approaching each day. 

For more health tips and medical advice, visit Femto Medicine!



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