Hyperbaric Oxygenation in the Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury – NewsReleaseWire.com

Posted: Published on November 1st, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados


By Robert L. Beckman, PhD

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.94401

ABSTRACT. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can help heal brain wounds: TBI/PTSD/Concussion. Peer-reviewed positive scientific and clinical evidence in over 7500 cases demonstrates that HBOT helps heal wounded brains and returns patients to a life denied them by DOD/VA/Army that will not talk about, or even use or pay for HBOT treatment for TBI/PTSD/PCS/Concussion. Successful treatment with HBOT [40 one-hour sessions] virtually eliminates suicidal ideation, an effective "suicide prevention" method. Patients also reduce their drug intake to nearly zero and experience 50% reduction in pain and time to withdrawal. The history of HBOT for TBI is littered with bad science, but evidence-based and clinical medicine data show the safety, efficacy and cost effectiveness of HBOT as a standard of care that should be put on-label and insured.

Read the entire Chapter: https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/hyperbaric-oxygenation-in-the-treatment-of-traumatic-brain-injury

Key Words:Special Operators, veterans, suicide,athletes,brain health,blast injury,brain injury,brain wound,Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy,concussion,concussion protocol,Concussion Symptoms,CTE,HBOT,Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy,TBI,TBItreatment,traumatic brain injury, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD

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Hyperbaric Oxygenation in the Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury - NewsReleaseWire.com

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